Song of Death Potatoes React To Aru And Aiden Wiki Page

Start from the beginning

The TV was a lot bigger now.

"Hold up! Brynne said. Then she burst into laughter. "What is it?" Mini asked, looking worried for her soul sister. Brynne, still laughing, pointed towards the title of the Fandom Page. Aru, who was slurping a smoothie, did a spit take. She flushed red, quickly followed by Aiden. Mini seemed to be holding back her own laughter, mainly because of Aru and Aiden's expressions.

Betrayal! Aru shouted through the Mind Link. Mini finally surrendered to her emotions and burst out into fits of giggles.

The title said "Aru and Aiden" and under it, the words:

"Aru Shah and Aiden Acharya are two friends and love interests in the Pandava Quintet. Aru is the reincarnation of Arjuna, while Aiden is the reincarnation of Draupadi, one of Arjuna's wives. Aru has a crush on Aiden. It is not explicitly stated if Aiden returns Aru's feelings; however, he has kissed her in Year 4.".

"I knew this was a bad idea," Aiden muttered. "I hate this already" Aru said.


Quick A/N: So, to make it easier for me, they are each in different rooms, and I'm going to be writing it in a different format. So, it's going to say what it says on the wiki page and then each thing someone says is going to be separate.


"Year 1:"

"Aru has a flashback to seeing Aiden through her window and giving him her best smile, with the implication that she wants him to like her. However, she realized she was wearing a horned helmet and panicked, running into the refrigerator and falling face-first onto the floor. Aru then continued to lie on the kitchen floor for another hour."

Aru: Why must all my secrets be revealed to the wrath of others?

Aiden: ...

Brynne: Heh, I can tell I'm going to enjoy this

Mini: Then I found her on the floor lying like that after. She was late for training. At least now I know why.


"Aru and Aiden have their first on-page interaction towards the end of the book when Aru is going home for winter break. It is shown that Aru has a crush on Aiden; Aru was nervous about talking to him since she found him good-looking. Aru was so distracted thinking about Aiden that she bumped into him. Aiden asked if she was okay, but Aru got nervous and blurted out that she knew where Aiden lived. When he got confused, Aru blabbered something about demons and ran home."


Aiden: No comment.

Brynne: *continuous laughter*

Mini: This is even more hilarious than when Aru described it to me!


"Year 2:"

"When Aru, Mini Kapoor-Mercado Lopez, and Brynne Rao and  are framed for stealing the bow and arrow of Kamadeva, Queen Uloopi assigns them a  to retrieve Kamadeva's bow and arrow.  is unable to come on the quest, as he is to be held in custody, so he sends an Otherworld trainee in his place - Aiden. When Brynne finds out that Aru is the "I know where you live" girl, she cracks up. This reveals that Aiden had mentioned Aru to Brynne,"

Aru: I was so embarrassed...

Aiden: Me and Brynne tell each other everything.

Brynne: *Yawn* I already know this stuff. Get to the juicy bits already.

Mini: That was probably my least favorite quest. The other three gave me nightmares!


"After Rudy saves Aru, Brynne and Aiden from Takshaka, he asks Aru for her number so that he can contact her later. When Brynne tells Aiden that Rudy asked for Aru's number, Aiden asks why. In response, Aru sarcastically says "Wow, thanks." Aiden, realizing what he said hurt Aru, turns red and tries to apologize, but Aru cuts him off."

Aru: It was the first time a boy had asked for my number. You can't blame me

Aiden: I know what Brynne's thinking right now, and it's completely wrong

Brynne: *Wiggling eyebrows* Someone's jealous...

Mini: Who's Rudy...?


"Later in the quest, Aiden tells Aru that he likes her. This makes butterflies appear in Aru's stomach, although then he goes on to say that he likes her just as a friend."

Aru: *Blushing severely* I was caught off guard, okay...

Aiden: I didn't mean it like that! *Also blushing severely*

Brynne: *offended* I wasn't notified of this!

Mini: *Laughing her heart out*


"At the climax, when Meenakshi shoots Kamadeva's arrow at Aru in an attempt to turn her into a Heartless, Aiden dives in front of her without thinking about the risk to himself. This results in Aiden becoming a Heartless zombie, and he tries to attack Aru, Brynne and Mini."


Aiden: She could have- might have died if I didn't. I'd rather become heartless again.

Brynne: Very rude as a Heartless Zombie.

Mini: I didn't like heartless Aiden.


"At the end of Year 2, on Aru's birthday, Aru goes to Aiden's house. Aiden wants to use a love arrow from Kamadeva to get his divorced parents back together, but Aru helps Aiden realize that he just wants his mother to be happy. In the end, Aiden uses the love arrow on his mother and helps her fall back in love with herself. Aru's helping Aiden shows that she's progressed beyond a shallow crush on him and has become a good friend who he knows well. Aiden is grateful for her help."

Aru: I don't have a crush on him!

Aiden: Shah has a... crush on me?

Brynne: About time! But wasn't Aru wearing a Gandalf beard?

Mini: That's really sweet. But you know the amount of germ that can spread by just holding hand!


And then their memories were erased and they lived peacefully ever after- NOT.

A/N: This was harder than you'd think it would be. A lot harder.


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