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A/N: OMG! I looked on this book to create a new part and guess what! WE HAVE OVER 1K VIEWS ON THIS BOOK! * Internally Squeals* Thank you guys SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, it slipped my mind. For a month. More like I didn't have any inspiration.

Also, I sort of gave up on the ring, so, I now have a replacement for it, so enjoy!

This was based on an experience that I had earlier this month, so it's mostly going to be based off of that.

Also, we're pretending that all the nectar of immortality Aruden-ness didn't happen (But the city of gold kiss did😉)

Aru sighed. The whole senior grade was going to a roller-skating rink for a graduation party, but Aru sucked at skating.

You'd think if you could save the world, you'd be able to roller skate.

Mini had recently joined in Augustus Day high school, along with Brynne. The twins were in their sophomore year at Augustus Day too.

Mini also sucked at roller skating. It made Aru feel partially better about the situation.

Brynne was an absolute pro at it, and she never let them forget that.

Aiden was around the same level as Brynne was.

Some people, think you'd be excited to roller skate. Some people definitely were, while some were definitely not.

For example, Mini, who was freaking out at the fact they'd be renting out used roller skates, which according to Mini "Is completely unsanitary! I can't believe they let people do that!". Mini forced her and Aru to get their own skates from the store, which cost way too much for comfort.

The day of trip, they had a police escort (Because their teachers were somehow nice enough to do that), which meant that the bus was practically just gliding through the roads, and everyone else was just clearing the path for them. "This feels like we're royalty" Aru remarked. "Definitely" Brynne agreed. Mini was barely even sitting down on the seat because "Who knows how many people have sat her and put their germs on this seat!"

Ten minutes later, they had gotten to the roller-skating arena. The group of high schoolers sat down to put on their skates. Aru had managed to put hers on first, and then started stand up, the railing supporting her. Oh, to Boo's sake, this is so unbalanced Aru thought. "To Boo's sake? When'd you start saying that?" Brynne asked. DAMMIT! Aru's inside voice had become her outside voice again.  Aru looked down and blushed after her mind processed Brynne's question. Aiden had said it once, and since then, Aru had started using it in her mind.

She and Aiden hadn't talked properly since sophomore year, ever since the birthday incident...

Aru pushed that thought to the back of her mind. "Nowhere" She lied. Then she realized something. "I'M TALLER THAN YOU ALL" She shouted in victory. Then Aiden stood up. "Aw, come on," She groaned in defeat.

Brynne stood up and grabbed her arm. "Come on! I'm going to teach you how to skate, so I have someone to skate with!" She said while dragging her onto the rink. "Brynne, this is by far one of the worst ideas you've ever had! Why can't you just skate with Wifey over there?". "He's too busy hanging with his guy friends, now come on!"

Brynne pulled Aru along as she skated. "Too fast Brynne! Too fast! You call this teaching! You're a horrible teacher!" It was fair to say that Aru had screamed more that day than any other day in her life.

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