Chapter 5

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As they were walking down the halls to get back to the surface from the deep caverns of Aiur Siruth reflected on her time here. She was hesitant on helping the Khala retake Aiur. She wanted no part in it but did it only to ensure the rest of the Nerazim force that went with would not die for no reason. But as she thinks back, she is less concerned but still weary of what might happen. Artanis believes in uniting the Protoss race. Not to subjugate. Then there is Karax. A bright spot she didn't think could exist in the Khala. They all seemed so dispassionate, so hateful of others. But he was the exact opposite. It gave her hope that things could be different. Zirol strips any of that hope. She thought that offering them sanctuary on Shakuras to rebuild in safety would cause them to have a sense of gratitude. Without them they would have perished as their fleets wandered hopelessly. But all of that just made them embarrassed, that they had to accept help from them. Artanis is wise knowing that he cannot continue what the Conclave did. But if protoss like Zirol still can't let go of the past, her people will never be safe. All she has wanted from the Khala was an acceptance for their way of life. They want to be independent. To have their thoughts to be their own. For it is violating their identities to be scrutinized within their own mind. That is what they want to be allowed. They do not care if others follow it or not. They just want do not want to be looked down upon, to not be treated differently.

The Daelaam an idea born out of necessity and a reaction to the dying old ways. She hopes Artanis can keep a steady course to the ideas of the Daelaam.

Zirol reflecting on his own time and interactions with Siruth thinks of the sense of relief he'll have when she has left. Stuck in his old ways of the Conclave, he will not see the Nerazim as anything more than a problem. If not now, then later. But he knows he can't do anything without incurring the wrath of Artanis and the like-minded. To him rejecting the Khala is rejecting those around you who could offer you a sense of belonging like no other. To comfort one another in times of fear or doubt. To say more than words could ever. To be truly united. That experience is what they reject. He could not fathom why. His darkest moments could have been many times his last. In the end he did not have hatred for them. He had pity that they were so utterly alone.

The walk back was long and silent. The only noise came from their footsteps and the humming of energies imbedded in the hall. Siruth broke the silence, "I wish you a farewell," A surprise to Zirol if there was one, "While I still have angry towards you, I still wish for the Daelaam to unite the protoss. I hope we shall part ways on good terms." She didn't wait for the response. She knew he didn't want anything to do with the Nerazim but she believed she should at least try to make peace even if he won't. She kept her pace but then turned when she heard and felt crackling. It was unlike anything else she had experienced. She has been shocked before but it didn't cause her emotions to erupt like this. Fear, angry and pure hatred spiked in her.

From Zirol red lighting was storming over his body and his eyes changed from blue to red. He felt a rage burning inside him. Compelling him to be done with Siruth. To be done with the traitors and heretics that are the Nerazim. A voice, whispering and shouting at the same time, said he was Amon spirit of the Khala and that it is Zirol's divine duty to destroy the heretics. Reason left his body completely, leaving only Amon's will.

Siruth took a few steps back unsure what was occurring, "Zirol what is happening?" Zirol responded with a charge, screaming, "Amon's will be done!" Siruth quickly turns to the shadows to hide to think what she must do, "Coward! All your kind can do is hide! Face me and be bested by Amon's will!" Siruth's mind races. Amon? Is that really the dark god the traitor Zertual spoke of? Whatever caused this has effect Zirol. He hates her kind but would never bluntly attack her. She quickly tries to contact anyone she can find to see what must be done. Zirol hears her attempts to call for help and he strikes at where the sounds come from. Siruth has to keep her distance. She doesn't want to kill him unless it is the only option. Even if he annoys and pains her, she can't kill him if it is not his will. She'd rather kill an opponent that wants to fight instead of being forced to fight. She eventually gets a message from other protoss saying the same words as Zirol did, then Zirol speaks to her, "You will find no hope in the Protoss. For they are all mine, begone from your shadows and either join me or die," the voice coming from Zirol sounds ashy and dark. Like a dangerous long forgotten secret. That can't be Zirol it must be the voice of Amon. She keeps trying to contact anyone that could help her. Avoiding Zirol's attempts to kill her she finally contacts one of her dark templar. She began to tell them what happened but was interrupted by them, "My lady we have been searching for you. A dark plague has befallen the Khala. We have been told by Zertual that to safe our cousins we must sever their nerve cord."

Without a moment's hesitation she strikes Zirol but he dodges her, "The coward crawls out of the shadows to face death finally! You have rejected Amon's glory. Face the consequences of your action." They lunge forward with their psionic blade readied.

Siruth narrowly avoiding the tip. He was faster than before and kept attacking again and again leaving her no room to strike. She had to blink around the room rapidly to throw him off. Lighting struck out of him all over the room hitting her, causing her to stop. Zirol walked to her, to end her off. Finally, will he be rid of this pest, this defiler to the Khala.

Siruth had to be careful. She had to wait for him to come closer before she can strike. "Your kind have no honour, no glory, no one to comfort. You will die here alone, with none of your kind knowing or caring," he struck his blade towards her and before it could reach her, she blinks just behind him swing her scythe cutting the nerve cord.

It hits the ground lying motionless with Zirol who began to scream in agony. Dark red energies leave his body. The air begins to clear up. The dark energy Siruth felt vanished. He collapses onto the floor motionless.

Siruth waited to see if this wasn't another trick but after a while of waiting, she sees him moving. With a groan he looks around laying his eye on Siruth and asks, "What happened?" He is shaking involuntary. The shock of being controlled and the apparat end of his connection with the Khala has him trembling. She then explained that Amon has corrupted the Khala and for him to be free, and not a slave, his nerve cord had to be severed. All he responded with was, "No," he was in a rage but quickly he turned to despair. He was utterly lost. Not moving at all. Siruth came close to offer him what comfort she can give him. He didn't resist, "I know this new life will be hard for you... But I am here to help," He didn't respond. He was devasted. His mind rushes trying to capture the warmth of another in his mind. But it is fleeting. He knows now how his friend felt in his final moments. No-one there to know be in his final moments as he passed.

Siruth interrupted the silence, "We do need to go. If we stay here, we'll surely be killed," "Then where shall we go? We are too far from the surface and whatever force remains would have left once we have arrived." Zirol said grimly, "We can use the Arrow of Adun. There must still be other protoss there and it is not far from us. Amon's forces will have to take time to reach us. Which will leave us enough time to escape." Zirol didn't respond. It seemed he wished to scum to despair rather than live on. Siruth found this pitiable. The man who once harassed her to no end has chosen to die rather than fight. She wishes she can feel more sympathy for him but can't, "So, are you going to come with me or let Amon kill you so easy?" "I have lost, leave me to despair." "Why not continue, if not for yourself then to end Amon." He didn't answer. Siruth wasn't going to try to carry him or wait for his senses to return. She headed off to the Arrow of Adun by herself.

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