Chapter 3

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Artanis stands before the Protoss. He feels a mixture of pride, confidence, fear, and hope. This Daelaam he helped build was finally going to fulfil its promise of the reclamation of Aiur. He chooses his words carefully for this monumental occasion. As this moment came to be not just because the Khala but because of their great allies and friends the Nerazim. For in his mind, he felt honour bound to treat them better than the Conclave of his time did. They have done such a great service to him and his people that to do any less than allow them to return to Aiur would be a great error. Though he has a great many doubts in his mind. Many Protoss will die. Their assault so far bore few deaths, but he knows that many will die, and this greatly upsets him. He doubts if he is strong enough for his people. But his thoughts need to be put on hold as he speaks to all the Daelaam, "Templar. We stand at the threshold of destiny. For today we will restore the glory of our legacy Today we will retake what we have lost and reclaim our homeworld." All shout then, "For Aiur!" Artanis whispering to himself, "And may the Khala's light guide us."

Scelendis, one of Artanis many Executors, then said to him, "The invasion fleet stands ready. We await only on your command Hierarch." Then in a puff of smoke comes Zertual, a dark templar, speaking to Artanis, "You must halt this invasion at once." "Zertual" Artanis replies in shock, "Templar! Arrest this traitor" Scelendis shouts, as she and the rest of the templar around them readies their blade against Zertual. Then Artanis in a booming voice, "No. We will hear him out." "The end war has come. Amon the dark one has returned," Scelendis readying herself against him says, "This heretic cannot be trusted." Zertual quickly retorted, "This invasion is a distraction from the true battle ahead! Amon's fury will engulf the entire galaxy." Scelendis then interjected, "Do not forget that it was his interference that brought ruin to Aiur." Zertual lowering his head in response, "And that weighs heavily on me. Artanis, I have found a way to stand against the coming darkness. You must believe me." Artanis taking a moment to think upon this new information. He trusts Zertual with his life, but he can't turn now. Not at the doorstep of Aiur. He then says, "We have been through much Zertual but far too many have sacrificed in the hopes that this moment will come to pass." Artanis then turns to is Scelendis, "Executor commence the invasion!" Zertual is filled with grief as Artanis unwittingly falls into a trap. The only hope he has now is pray that Amon will be slow in his strike.

After Zirol and Siruth hearing the go ahead for the invasion they ready themselves and their warriors to warp in. They will be part of the second wave after the warp conduits and pylons have been established. Then they will begin their eradication of the Zerg from Khor-shakal.

Zirol's body is barely moving. He has been waiting for this day for what seemed to be eons. Aiur is right there, and he has to wait. It is unnerving. He could not believe that he was nearly on the ground of Auir. His homeworld. He had been gone from his world for so long that he fears he forgot much of its beauty and that he will never see it. Not after what the Zerg could have possibly done to it. He regrets that he did nothing to protect it. That his time protecting the Protoss in the outer reach of their past empire, from the Zerg. The colonies he defended were not that important, they didn't have any resources or any strategic value, but they were part of the empire and he protected them with his life. He left them not because he wished to but because the of Tassadar's betrayal to the Conclave and Queen of Blades. He has so much hate, regret, and fear to what happened. He wants to ensure that Auir is taken back and in the rightful hands of the Protoss forever. That the Khala and Conclave will be restored. But he doubts the Hierarch will restore the Conclave. But he hopes none the less that things will go back to the way it was.

Just beside Zirol, Siruth was thinking on Aiur., as she overlooked the planet. She is amazed on its beauty. The greenery and vast oceans that remain. She is completely captured by the home of all Protoss. It is so different to Shakuras, so vibrant. It is clear to her why her parent was sorrowful. Though she herself does not feel like it will be her home, or most of the Nerazim. Many of her templar and other Nerazim speak of staying. That their ancestors once called it home and wished that their children would call it that one day as well. She heard stories from them of Aiur and its many wonders. To her if her Nerazim wish to stay then they shall. But she knows that it won't be too long before the Khala betray the Daelaam they have made. Even with Artanis they will never see them as allies. She hopes though that this will change in the coming days. She hopes for the best of the Nerazim that wish to stay.

A strong will was emanating from the army of the Protoss. A will that all could feel. This moment was a result of years of planning, fighting and hard work, done, so, that they will have this chance to reclaim their lost home. Many Protoss were send out already. The light of the warp can be seen all over as they were taken from where they were and onto the planet's surface. Lights could be seen all over Aiur. More and more were sent in. Where they were standing it seems that Aiur was peaceful. But that peace betrays the fierce battle raging. They could hear what is happening through their communications. The screams of death are abundant but that didn't stop them. Quickly the Protoss striked and captured vital points. In no time at all Siruth and Zirol's forces are called and begin to prepare themselves for travel.

The warped in at the edges of Khor-shakal. The once great city laid in ruins, untouched for so long that wild growths began to cover up everything. Zirol's forces felt a deep sadness at the site. While Siruth's forces were indifferent or pleased at the state of it. Their mission same as before was to establish a base to drive out the Zerg. They began their approach into the city and contraction of their base. The Zerg in no time began to attack.

A massive wave rushed in hurdling bodies against the Protoss. The force that was sent down with them were Zealots, Stalkers, and Immortals all strong and willing to die for Aiur. The Immortals took the brunt of the offensive while the Zealots fought the Zerg and Stalkers teleported around the Zerg to confuse and distract. Zirol was holding them back alongside the Zealots while Siruth was going around them and charging off with explosives to destroy waves of the Zerg. After this initial wave the Protoss were granted a moment of rest. Their constructs of pylons, assimilators, gateways, and their nexus. From there they will expand inward into the city and drive out any remaining Zerg. Already are more warriors warping in to help take back the city.

They slowly advance towards the center stopped at every turn by the Zerg. Tendrils covering every part of the city, even though the infection covers the surface of everything it seems to not have broken or corroded it. A testament for the Protoss who created the city or the Zerg simply choosing not to destroy the city.

The Protoss were divided into two forces. One led by Zirol and the other by Siruth. Both forces will surround the city then move inward killing any Zerg along the way. Both forces encountered fierce resistance as the Zerg kept building back up their forces with every push into the city. Lucky for Zirol and Siruth the initial wave and establishment of the warp conduits elevated them to focus on the city and not on forces attacking them from outside the city.

The city within hours was theirs. Thanks to the coordination of the forces on the ground but to the skill of the warriors as well.

The invasion of Aiur is well coordinated and executed. The Zerg while vast and deadly were no match to what the Daelaam brought to bear. Within hours the whole planet was contested and in days it will be theirs.

After the battle Zirol and Siruth reported that they had taken the city and await further orders. They received congratulations and praise for the accomplishment. Zirol took it with pride and Siruth accepted the praise. They have been ordered to stay in the city and waited for scientist and engineers sent to investigate if the Spear of Adun is still there.

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