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On the edges of the Protoss world of Aiur, a mass of star ships numbering in the thousands approach the home of the once mighty Protoss Empire. A civilization that spanned across the stars now reduced to a few worlds. Their home a beacon of their power, wisdom and unity now are the grounds for Zerg infestation. An ever evolving, ever expanding parasite that turns everything they get a hold of into them. Wiping their identity.

They lost their home for at the height of their empire they could not resist the temptation of arrogance and pride. They were the might of the galaxy none could dare challenge them. And none could, until they allowed themselves to be opened to weakness. Dividing themselves into the Khalai and the Nerazim. The Khalai caused this split for their dogma dedicated that all Protoss be connected through the Khalai. Nerve cords each Protoss has at birth. But some didn't want this 'unity' they wanted their minds and thoughts to their own. To express themselves not through the minds of others but words and body. Their society fractured and continued to disintegrate. For if they only had set aside their differences, they would have been stronger, maybe even kept Aiur from the Zerg.

Now the Protoss have united as the Daelaam. They have set aside their differences to reclaim their homeworld of Aiur. With Artanis as their Hierarch leading them to take their world back from the Zerg. The Golden Armada. The largest fleet assembled only rivalled since their Empires peak.

They have planned ever detail, put ever resource they have into this assault. They began their attack by destroying the Zerg infested planets around Aiur. Isolating them from any retaliation. From planet to planet, and battles in the stars they slowly approached Aiur.

Each victory invigorating the Protoss more and more. To reclaim their legacy and return to not only the strength of the Empire long past but with newfound wisdom and knowledge. Artanis would lead the way for a new Age for the Protoss. He has seen the destruction and their consequences of what the Protoss were before. Mighty in their understanding of the universe but lacking in their willingness to let others be what they wish to be. He saw what it did and is devastated at its cost. The loss of Aiur fell heavily on the Protoss.

But now after securing the system they have neared Aiur. The moon, of the homeworld, Saalok, was the last location they had to secure before a full invasion could commence. The Zerg infestation could be seen from obrit. It looked like at a distance like rocks but stare at it for long enough and it began to shift, squirm, and agitate. Vast areas of the moon are covered in this creep. The Protoss in most circumstances would have fired their purifying beams to cleanse the area of Zerg. But to do so on Saalok could break the moon and devastate Aiur.

They would have to send ground forces while the fleet engages any flying Zergs that would halt their advance.

The warp prisms were on approach to the moon. A marvel of Protoss technology that allows them to teleport their troops near instantaneously onto the battlefield. Looking up towards Saalok sky made the warp prisms look like a mass of moving stars.

Onboard one of the ships, getting ready, there is a large Protoss force stands ready and with them are the two commanders leading them.

Infront of the force stands a Khalai warrior small but heavily armoured. He is Zirol a praetor before the fall of Aiur. Praetors are Protoss who have demonstrated immense amount of skill in combat, tactics, strategy or went above and beyond to achieve greatness for the Protoss. Zirol earned the rank for his stalwart defence of the outer colonies against overwhelming Zerg forces. He remembers the ceremony held for him. The speeches, awards, and the pride he felt. "What a glorious day," he thinks to himself. He shakes off the warm nostalgic feeling of years past. Aiur felled and he couldn't help, even if it would have been for nothing. He broads for a while like this. Thinking of all the ways he could've helped and let himself fall for the temptation that he could have saved Aiur. His thoughts are interrupted by the light of Aiur's home star. He may not have done anything to stop it's fall but he is here to reclaim it.

To the side of him is the Nerazim commander she is much taller than Zirol but is slimmer in comparison. Siruh is a dark templar who, like many Nerazim, was asked to come join the Daelaam to reclaim Aiur. Many didn't join out of disinterest in a home they never knew or their dislike of the Khalai. Siruh joined though to protect the Nerazim that did join. She doesn't trust the Daelaam to properly safeguard her people. Though a small side of her did wish to see the home her parents grew up and lived on. Her parent would often speak of the raging storms and beautiful plains and plateaus. She wonders if it still will be as beautiful as her parents described it despite the Zerg infestation.

Everyone on the ship was anxious. The Khalai Protoss shared their worries, hopes and angry. A swirl of emotions filled them all. This was there chance. For everyone who was there and not there to correct the mistake of losing Aiur. The Nerazim have similar thoughts as well. Although they don't share their emotions as intimately as the Khalai do. But for the most part the ship was silent. Save for the brief conversions from the Nerazim and the ship's hum.

The long silence then seized as the ship received communications from Hierarch Artanis, "My warriors today we are one step closer to reclaiming Aiur. The Zerg have met us at every point and have been shown that we are not left wanting. Aiur is in view of you all and with the moon Saalok in our hold we will be one last step closer to take our home back. Fight with honour, courage, and strength. En taro Aiur!"

The communication stopped and the teleportation began. The warriors on the ship began to become transparent as their bodies were taken directly to the battlefield. Their vision bounced from the ship's interior to the ground of Saalok.

They have fully teleported to the moon safely. All around them the ships of the Armada bomb the Zerg, giving them ample breathing room. Zirol's and Siruth's forces engage their opponent. There orders are to establish a base to secure a point for reinforcements to arrive. From there they will recover what structures are left on the moon. The closest to them is an observatory.

They defend the probes that teleported with them, so, they begin the constructing of pylons. Great-crafted crystals of immense energy that allow for Protoss forces to teleport directly to the battlefield and make their constructs.

The Zerg hivemind know this and rush to destroy the probes. But there are meet with their deaths, for the two commanders expected as much. Cutting them down with psionic blade and blasting them apart with particle disruptors. And while the two commanders' tactics bore fruit quickly it would not last. They knew it wouldn't last. All they were doing was staling until the pylons finished constructing.

Wave after wave of Zerg came crashing into them. The Stalker's disruptors charred and blasted the rushing insects and any that came to close were cut down by the Zealots. A pile of bodies and mists of Zerg blood began to form. But no matter how many they slay there is just more coming. First it was just the fast-small Zerglings, but more Zerg types came. The pylons were nearly finished but they were unsure if the warriors from the ships would meet fellow Protoss or corpses feeding the Zerg. Zirol and Siruth were leading the defence right with their warriors. Zirol's blades and strength, and Siruth's scythe killed many.

But it seemed they have made no difference. Their warriors were dying all around them. The Khalai soldiers screamed, "For Aiur," while the Nerazim died in silence. The Zerg are overwhelming them, but it was too late for them as the pylon finished its construction. Protoss warriors teleported in mass striking immediately at their foes. Including High Templars powerful psionic beings that brought forth storms.

With the tide turned the two commanders joined the charge against the Zerg. All over Saalok this the case. The Zerg are quickly overwhelmed by the might of the Daelaam.

Zirol after the battles end is renewed with joy and valour. Aiur is just above his head. He is so close to getting the Protoss's home back.

Siruth felt more bittersweet about it. Killing the Zerg is always desired. They are monsters who shared in perverse connection worse than the Khalai's. Her worry comes from believing that this won't be different from ages past. Will the Nerazim forces be killed after the battle is won? Or will they be accepted. Whatever will be the case she will prepare.

Author's Note: Hi, there I hope you like what you read so far. If you have any issues with it please do tell me. I want to get better at writing and any help is appreciated.

Also I will try to be consistent on the posting.

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