February 10th, 2023

Start from the beginning

BUT OMG MY DREAM TEAM. It's been years since I spoke to them and I'm so happy we reconnected through the relaunch of Overwatch. I was so shy to speak to them at first but then I started talking on my birthday and it was awesome, I'm still pretty shy sometimes but I love them all so much and I'm so happy I get to talk to them. And I feel like I bonded with Sevon more and I'm sooo happyyy cuz Sevon is amazing and we have so much in common and he's so lovable.

My best friend changed their name to Fenix!! I'm so proud of them. They also got a new dog named Laila and she's the cutessstttt. I stayed at their house a few times and we watched BSD and owl house together and it was awesome. I can't wait to go back. WE also went to ren fair for the first time together and it felt like a convention and we dressed up as Tanjirou and Inosuke and everyone wanted pics with us!! We felt like celebrities. 

I also made a new friend group and I love them! I'm closest with Jada who is such a wonderful person. Kiyo is also great but he's been busy lately. And of course Jose who is lovable and funny and even though Star and I fought once before I still like her and she's fun :) Since she's the one who introduced me to the group and we randomly met during a rank match and we became good friends!! 

I've been watching more anime lately. I finished a really good novel called "The Love Hypothesis". I'm trying to get back into reading. I still need to watch mob psycho season 3 but I've recently watched Beastars and am caught up on My Hero, and I'm also watching Sailor Moon Crystal! BSD season 4 is in production ongoing and its so hype!! I'm so excited for the other anime coming out this year.

I also am hyped for Rain Code to launch later this year and I also really want this game called DecaPolice!! I've been so slow on my progress with persona 5 cuz I love it so much but I'm still salty that I lost all my data. I'm just now on Futaba's palace and I forgot how much I hate her palace even though she's my favorite character!! Coraz is obsessed with the game and he got through it all so fast it was insane.

Speaking of Coraz. He still loves me?? It's crazy, cuz it's been years. But I'm in a pinch because I don't want to be in a relationship since there's so many things I'm scared about. He's been so great to me though; he's loving and supportive and I really do love having him in my life. Everything's just crazy right now and there was a whole drama over everything and Deion almost hated me but I think things will be back to normal. I pray, at least. I really love these people and I don't want them to hate me.

OH AND BIG NEWS!! I GOT INTO ST. GEORGE'S VET SCHOOL!! It's an island school so I'm kinda nervous, mostly because I didn't register about the currency and wifi and regional restrictions I would have by being there. I would love to go to school there but if I get into Pennsylvania which I'm praying so hard that i do, because I spent so much time and put so much effort into that application... I will visit each campus and decide where I want to go by weighing my pros and cons. Either way I'm happy I have a path to becoming a veterinarian! St. George's was super great because they got back to me so fast and they gave me an interview like 5 days after and then gave me the acceptance letter in less than a week!! 

Work has become overwhelming for me and I'm no longer motivated to be there. I got pushed to work as a receptionist in April and it was only supposed to be for a month but I got stuck up there forever and I'm still there and it's really putting strain on me so I said I'm quitting at the end of February. They scheduled me to work every friday saturday sunday so that sucks but oh well. I'm gonna miss that place but it's gonna be nice to escape the toxicity and discomfort it brings me and I stopped caring about the clients as much as I used to before so it's a good time for me to dip.

Oh!! I went to my very first wedding last year. One of them was an in-person wedding that was a combo christian/hindu wedding that I went to with Kavya, and then I went to India for a whole month and experienced my first Indian wedding and it was awesome!!! I miss India, I really love it there even though I cant play IDV xD. 

I've been into some throwbacks lately and I wanna rewatch Tenkai Knights. I was listening to the Japanese opening again and I forgot how much I loved it. I miss this show so bad, as well as Bakugan. Might rewatch Bakugan even though I've seen it so many times. I miss the vexos and my husbands Lync and Ace :3 and I wanna finish my tenkai knights fic!! I feel like i was the queen of that fandom considering my amv had over 60k views and my fic is popular, plus i own the official tenkaiknights instagram account.

I've been ranking with Chi and its nice when she's not with Simp4U cuz they annoy me not gonna lie. They're all fine individually but together they just seem weird to me. Like they gatekeep the team or whatever, i don't even know. 

Oh, I was supposed to go to Italy with Diana but the whole time I had a feeling it wouldn't work out. So I'm not going. I'll miss out, but I feel like it was for the best. I still need to go to a convention though!! I'm planning to go to GalaxyCon with Fenix. 

God I wrote a lot and most of it was rambling about what happened in my life so far. My mom is currently in India and she's having a blast there; she's so happy. My brother is coming home tomorrow for the weekend and I got work soon but eh whatever, I never get enough sleep anyway. 

I should probably go now, who knows when I'll write next?


Signing off.

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