5. difficult answers, simple questions

ابدأ من البداية

"Peter," Derek says in a tone for him to play nice

"We need to talk"

At the side glance Peter had given Lulu the woman rolls her eyes and stands up from the bed while picking up her phone, "Do not mind me, I need to make some calls"

The calls Lulu had to make were all for her business and while she had hired two managers and four assistant managers that just meant she expected things to be running smoothly. Standing outside on the terrace with a cup of coffee half finished and forgotten Lulu spoke into the phone with the manager on shift who had the advantage of two hours because of time zones

Lulu was not having a fun call, she'd gotten bad news and that was the last of her wishes, "Mira, mira, Diego, no me estés tomando el pelo porque cuando vuelva-"

"No te estoy dando mentiras," Diego, the morning manager, tells his boss "Savero se jubila y nadie sabe quién heredará sus cultivos"

"¿Y su hijo? Danny, ¿hablaste con él?" Lulu asks trying to fix the problem that was an ocean away

Diego pacing the office of El Sol answers, "Connie habló con él y... Lulu, el no sabía nada"

"Okay, okay." Lulu tries to reassure her worker that it was okay and that she had the answer"¿Pero él todavía nos va a dar nuestras verduras?"

"Él no dijo nada"

Lulu mutes herself on the phone before letting out a long string of curse words that made the Hale men turn to the window and see the angry woman who after the last curse collects herself and speaks into the phone as if nothing had happened, "En la oficina está nuestro contrato, envíame fotos de la segunda página. Ahí dice lo que acordamos para los pagos y qué pasa si eso no es posible"

"¿Y luego?" Daniel asks as his boss always had steps to plans to fix every problem the restaurant and club had provided them with

"No nos van a joder por esto." Lulu starts off making it known that she was going to fix the problem even if she was miles away "Pídale a Connie que hable con los chefs y pregúnteles si tienen proveedores en mente, para que puedan recomendarnos"


After her phone call and having to zoom into the photo of her contract with her vendor, Lulu wanted something to take her mind off her business problem. Luckily both Hale men had problems of their own that needed to be solved

To trace the stolen money they only knew one person they could mildly trust to get the job done. Braeden had been called and made herself at home in the loft by placing her expensive boots on the coffee table

"That table's Italian." Peter comments annoyed with the woman already even if it wasn't his home to begin with

Braeden not carrying simply shrugs her shoulders, "So are these boots."

"Glad to learn you both have expensive taste," Lulu says from her spot in between the two Hale's and for all intensive purposes she sat inches closer to Derek

Derek smiles while looking down at his hands that held black aviators. He'd had yet to talk to anyone about his eyes changing, Lulu only knew about his problem because she'd seen his eyes while he shifted back at the school.

"Are we going to talk interior design and fashion, or are we going to talk numbers?" Braeden asks getting back to business

Peter sighs paying no attention to his nephew's troubled expression, writes a number on a piece of paper before sliding it towards the mercenary. Reading the number Braeden crosses it out and writes her own sliding it back to Peter

Queen of the Night | d.Haleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن