10. midnight things

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[somewhere in Beacon Hills]

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[somewhere in Beacon Hills]

With Braeden staying close by while she heals she'd taken the bed in Dereks loft, Lulu slept on the couch while Derek slept on a cot. Lulu was about to fight with the man saying she'd just sleep at a hotel for the night considering he was injured but because he was injured she stayed close by.

And it wasn't like Lulu didn't have options. The teens had come up with a plan - stupid plan - to get the Benefactor to show their face. The plan was to kill Scott and get the man behind the curtain to appear at the hospital to collect proof of death for the highest ranking supernatural on the list. So many things could go wrong, and so Lulu stayed in the one place she could actually help; Derek's.

Only problem was she couldn't sleep throughout the night, she'd wake up at random times and finally had given up before walking over to Derek's side to check his wound

Lulu got far enough to raise his white tank top and see the bullet mark still red rather than healing, Before she could inspect it more she jumps when Derek's hands take hold of hers

"What are you doing...?" Derek questions looking down at her hands that still held his shirt

"You're not healing," Lulu worriedly whispers knowing he should be healing

"Some wounds take longer-" Derek tries to lie his way knowing Lulu was too much of a decent person to listen to his heart

Lulu's cold fingers touch Derek's chest making her search for pain to take away. Seeing the black lines race up Lulu's fingers Derek moves her hand away from his body knowing she was close to feeling his speeding heart rate

"Come with me," Lulu whispers, not wanting to wake up Braeden. She walks over to the kitchen knowing she'd seen a first aid kit. Derek follows her walking in just as she bends down to check the cabinet for the first aid kit. Derek looks away walking over to the dining table knowing he couldn't stay standing up for long.

Walking over to the dining table kneeling before Derek's chair and sets down the first aid kit on the ground. Derek had taken off his shirt making it easy for Lulu to see the unhealed wound and reaches out to take his pain away again only he catches her hand before she can, "You don't have to do this"

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