4. stories with grilled cheese

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[somewhere in Beacon Hills]

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[somewhere in Beacon Hills]

After the initial shock that Derek was back to his adult self, Lulu felt out of place. The teens she'd been helping out the past three days were glad to have Derek back to his adult self. While the night didn't end on a high note for everyone, Lulu's mind wasn't on the millions of dollars Peter had been robbed of.

Lulu didn't intend to leave without saying goodbye, they just weren't her things. Yet goodbyes were Scott's things, and it's how he'd found her grabbing her duffle bag from Stiles's jeep.

"You're leaving?" Scott asks watching her close the door of the Jeep

"I helped, and now I just really need a shower"

Understanding that she hadn't really been given a break since accepting to help them Scott nods, "Thank you, for dropping everything and coming to help us. Not many people would do that"

"Well, you were brave enough to ask, so thank you. It was refreshing to be part of the pack if you will"

"Do you have a pack?" Scott asks interested in how she was so easily able to drop everything to help his pack. To help a bunch of strangers just because they called, what type of person would do that?

"Rest up Scott, you have school tomorrow," Lulu replies avoiding the question, and starts walking away from him.

Lulu had packed light, leaving all her more so glamorous clothes back in South America. Being able to smell her sweat clinging to her clothes Lulu scrunches her nose wanting a shower not caring if it was hot or cold. That little dream was delayed at the sound of echoing footsteps that weren't hers under the overpass.

Turning around Lulu couldn't help but smile at the sight of green eyes brightened by the green shirt he wore, "Hello Derek. I suppose you remember?"

"Yeah." Derek simply replies walking towards her still frame. It had taken some time for his mind to process the last few days, specifically to sort out that the woman standing before him had stayed true to every word she'd told him. "You came"

"I did. You needed help," Lulu shrugs not wanting to make a big deal about it

"What now?" Derek asks remembering her expressing how she was disappointed he never called

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