The Royal Wedding

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All of Ninjago and Shintaro have reached the word that Cole and Vania were going to be married the next day, everyone made sure to wear their nicest and best clothes for this.

"I still can't believe that Cole and Vania are going to be married tomorrow!" said Nya. "Remember the time when we first went to Shintaro and the whole Kingdom changed when we left?"

"Who didn't forget that?" chuckled Kai.

"Anyways, what are we going to wear for tomorrow?" asked Lloyd. "Didn't Cole tell us that we were the groomsmen?"

"And the girls and me are the bridesmaid," said Nya. "That's what Vania told us."

"Then, if that's the case, we better wear our best suits and dresses," said Kai. "I'll go check my closet later. Let me just finish this level with Jay."

"Ha ha!" said Jay. "Oh, no, you don't! I'm winning this round, Kai, and you should begin to accept defeat!"

"Not if I can do anything about that!" said Kai.

"Aw, man," sighed Jay, as Kai was able to successfully beat him. "I sure miss Cole being here."

"As do I," said Zane, who was watching his friends. "But he seems to be even more happy with Vania."

"And it would be rude to interfere," said Lloyd.

The next day, in the Ivory City of Shintaro, the royal trumpets blew, waking everyone up.

"Today is the day!" every villager exclaimed.

Everyone in the city rejoiced for the marriage of their beloved queen, and one of their most celebrated heroes. Everyone except one.

Though he had given his daughter the blessing in marrying someone whom he hated, there was still a dark part of vengeance in his heart.

"If everything goes to plan," said Vangelis. "they should not last that long."

"Wow! The castle looks amazing!" exclaimed Cole, as he saw the decorations and streamers around the castle walls, ceilings, and everywhere. "I didn't know that they could do this in one night."

"Of course!" said Vania, smiling. "I'm so excited for later!"

"Good morning, Your Majesty," said Hailmar, bowing down. "The people who are going to get you and Sir Cole ready for the wedding have arrived. Would you want to begin getting ready?"

"Sure," said Vania.

"I'm alright with that," said Cole.

Hailmar escorted Cole and Vania to where the people were waiting to get them ready.

"Okay, shall we get started with your hair, Sir?" asked one of them to Cole. "We will begin with the easy parts and then, you know, go to the more complex parts."

"Er, yeah, okay," said Cole. "But first, what's your name so I can call you properly?"

"I am Mark," said Mark. "And I will be your main stylist. I will begin with your hair now."

Cole gave a small nod, and Mark began washing, cutting, and styling Cole's shaggy hair.

Along with Vania, things were quite the same on what was happening with her and her stylist, whose name was Priscilla.

"Oh, and that was how he proposed to you?" chuckled Priscilla. "That's some really interesting things."

"Cole did seem a little bit, I don't know, maybe nervous when he asked the question," said Vania. "How about you? How did your husband propose to you?"

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