Robin Hood AU Book Sneak Peek

Start from the beginning

Aiden had grown taller than his mother in the past few years. She was wearing a teal gown that trailed behind her when she walked, and the queen's crown was perched on top of her head. Malini was the heir to the throne, but when she married Aiden's father, he became the king. They'd been fighting a lot. Enough for almost the whole castle to hear. They were going to get a divorce soon. But Aiden's dad didn't know that if they divorced, Aiden's mom would get the crown. Aiden was getting tired of these fights, though.

"I get you're worried, but I'm fine. I love you, and I am okay," Aiden reassured. Malini nodded and hugged her son. She pulled away. " Go get 'em Ace-cakes,". Aiden looked at Brynne and Mini, who were behind them, and they seemed to be torn apart between absolute laughter and sentimental aw. Aiden knew neither was good. "Come on guys, let's go," Aiden said. The two girls followed behind Aiden to the war council.

"Your majesty! Your father is waiting for you inside to start to war meeting!" A guard told Aiden as the trio approached the room. Aiden nodded and the guard opened the door. " My son! I see you're finally here! May we start the meeting?" The King asked. "Yes Father, we may. I have some threatening information on the Sleeper and his crew," Aiden said. "Oh please, do tell. Anything is helpful." The King said. Aiden took a deep breath. "You know Mini and Brynne are the head of the guard because of the boons they got from Dharma Raja and Vayu? Which got them their celestial weapons and abilities, right?" Aiden began.

"Yes, we know of your friends, but what does that have to do with the Sleeper?" A nobleman, asked. Aiden was pretty sure that his name was Suyodhana.

"You know the Sky Duo? Lightning and Solaris? We saw them today. Chased them through the woods. Father, they have Celestial Weapons, though we don't know what they are like,".

The hall fell quiet. "They threw themselves off a cliff, to escape us. They're alive. Their horses disappeared in the woods. No trace of their tracks after 20 feet. Gone. Just disappeared." Aiden added. A shiver ran through his spine thinking about when the two tipped off the cliff.

"And we are no closer to finding out who they are? Gender? Age? Nothing?" The Sheriff asked. Aiden was sure his name was Takshaka. Aiden shook his head. "Well, we know they have a sense of humor. Both of them," Brynne volunteered. Aiden glared at her. Brynne gave him a look that said What? You know I'm right.

"Father, that is all the news we have. If the meeting may be adjourned?". Aiden's father nodded. "Meeting adjourned. Aiden, please, I need to talk to you. Yamini, Brynne, you may wait outside," The King ordered. All the noblemen walked out of the of the meeting hall. Mini and Brynne hesitated, but Aiden looked at them and nodded. Brynne flashed a reassuring smile, and Mini showed a quick thumbs up before the two followed at noblemen out the hall.

"What did you want to talk about, Father?" Aiden asked. He silently prayed for it not to be about his mother. "Son, we have received a proposition," Aiden let a silent sigh of relief. "From whom? What it is about?" Aiden inquired. His father took a deep breath. "We've already excepted it. It was a very... How do I say this?... exceptional proposition, and since you you're turning 18 in a year-"

"Father, get on with it already, you're making me nervous,"

"We know you don't want to do it at this age but-,"


"We've arranged for you to be married,"

Aiden froze. "What?"

"We've arra-"

"No, I heard you the first time! You didn't even check with me! I probably don't even know her! Does Mom know? Did she accept it?".

"Your to-be-bride is very exceptional. She's educated, and she knows how to fight. She's the daughter of one of your mother's old friends. Your mother accepted it almost immediately. She'll be coming tomorrow,".

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