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The Christian Mass as the ultimate test of human blood sacrifice

Thanks to centuries of strong withholding of spiritual knowledge, most people are not only ignorant, but unable to see the plain truth. This is the enemy's tactic for conquest:
they create blind spots in the soul, disarming people spiritually. The so-called "sixth sense" is completely lacking in most people.
Millions of unfortunate people have been deceived by the program of Christianity and Islam, whose sole purpose is to destroy spiritual knowledge and replace it with lies, for the destruction of the human race and all other living beings on earth.
The Judeo-Christian Bible warns believers about the powers of the mind and "witchcraft" so that they are unable to see through the lies they face every day.
The Jews, parasitic by nature, have always used the Gentiles as spiritual hosts to feed on. .. they are no different than the alien Grays who feed on the collection of souls. Many of you are already familiar with the "Jewish ritual murders". During the Jewish holidays, the chief rabbis kidnap non-Jewish children who are sacrificed to Jehovah. The child is taken to a secret room in the synagogue, where he is crucified and tortured to death.While the child is still alive, he is bled from the four corners [of his limbs] and the blood is ritually drunk by the rabbis. This is why entire Jewish villages have been massacred countless times throughout history, banned from nearly every country in the world except the United States, and hated by all non-Jewish races. And this is just one crime... I could go on and on about the terrible crimes of the Jews, but this sermon is about how it all relates to the Christian mass and church worship. If you want to learn more about the topic, read the article "2000 Years of Jewish Ritual Murder".
On the shelves of a public library I found a book written by a Jewish rabbi called "The Wealth Will Be Yours". It is also in the bible. The title is for the Jews. Almost everyone is aware of the incredible wealth, success and power of the Jews that they have for centuries. All of this is due to the use of occult power and is directly related to Christianity.
As I mentioned before, the Judeo-Christian Bible is nothing more than a book about Jewish witchcraft. The verses, their numbers and so on. If you do this if we want to understand it, we must first of all know how witchcraft works, the words of power, and above all the power of the subconscious, the mind, so that the will of the operator manifests itself in reality.
As in most Jewish works, the subconscious is used here to create an energy connection. Only those who themselves know the power of the mind and witchcraft can realize this. That's why the bible warns and scares Gentiles away from anything that is truly spiritual... "do not let a witch live" and such nonsense, or "burn in a lake of fire" etc. I noticed earlier that these lines also contain curses to completely cut off those who are easily intimidated by such things from spirituality.
"Eat my flesh... Drink my blood..."
56 Unveiling Christianity Updated: 25.02.2014 The theme of the church mass or church service is the imitation of human blood sacrifice. Most people are unable to see this, they are not aware of it, because it is enclosed in a wall his mind. The Nazarene is crucified at every church service during a blood sacrifice to Jehovah. I remember very well the phrases repeated endlessly by the priest, which builds the connection between the victim and the collective; "this is the body of Jesus" and then comes the silly little wafer... As we know, the Nazarene was also nailed to the cross at the four corner points, as were the children used as sacrifices by the Jews. This creates the necessary connection that feeds the energies for the Jewish ritual murders, bringing success to the Jewish race, especially in earthly wealth.
At every single Catholic Mass [and Protestant too] the following lines are DRIVEN into the minds of the participants, over and over and over again:
"On the night in which he was betrayed, he took the bread, blessed it and broke it, gave it to them and said: Take , and eat from it all of you, this is my body." "Then he took the cup, gave thanks, gave it to them, they all drank from it, and said to them: Take and drink from it, all of you, this is my blood."
People do not see this because they are spiritually blinded. I can see through quite a lot because I have knocked down the walls in my mind that the enemy has put up. I remember four weeks ago I was shopping in a store, religious Christmas carols were playing over the loudspeaker, and it was very clear to me that these deluded Christians were singing for their own damnation.
To create the necessary distraction and confuse their victims, the Jews always pretended that Christianity was persecuting them. They pretend to be enemies.
If one breaks down the walls in one's mind, one can see what is right there in front of our eyes every day. On every page of the Bible there is the word "Jew", "Jews", or "Israel", or similar words, and this is an expression of respect and praise for the Jews and their leaders. The Bible constantly presents us with the subconscious theme that the Jews and their god Jehovah subjugate the Gentile peoples in the Old Testament.
After the subjugation and enslavement, the Nazarene, that is, the long-awaited Jewish messiah, enters the scene.
He was a Jew from birth to death. More in the article "Jesus, the Jewish archetype".
The whole character of the Jewish Nazarene was created from a concept, more precisely from the concept of snake-like witch power. You can read about this in the article "The truth about Jesus Christ".
Again, in order for magical work to be successful, there usually needs to be some kind of connection in the victim's mind. Most Christians fail to see that Jehovah was a murderer and a liar from the beginning. The New Testament continues the story in which the Nazarene eventually becomes a blood sacrifice...killed and sacrificed to Jehovah, his own bloodthirsty, murderous, sadistic "father". In its own
sick way, this alludes to infanticide. that they have little personal experience to shape their behavior and color their personalities, they become prime targets. Christianity is notorious for corrupting children, as are angels, and of course the filthy Jews. They know they can easily use children's energies because there is none, or they have very little spiritual resistance.
57 Christianity Exposed Updated: 02/25/2014 And the icing on the cake is the belief in the "second coming" of Christ, which is actually another lie to feed the Gentiles with their spiritual energy and faith the realization of the Jewish messiah, using the power of the mass mind
Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the messiah comes, each Jew will have 2,800 slaves."
Most people have no idea of ​​the above and cannot see it. I have written a sermon before about how the Jews use occult powers:
http:/ /groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/385 Here is an excerpt:
I highly recommend the video below to everyone.It is nothing new and clearly exposes the workings of Jewish occultism and the power of suggestion and subliminalism to manifest their aspirations in the in reality. The shootings were orchestrated to tighten US gun laws. Many people, such as the creator of the video linked below, do not understand the power of the Jews or how the Jews feed off of it and control the energy of the foolish followers of the Christian agenda, so they are just delusional. may be about reality:
Sandy Hook and Batman shootings announced in Batman: Dark Knight Rises:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8nTZKpmtlQ The roots of Jewish use of occult powers are found in gematria. 911 was one of them... pretty clear. A colleague of mine showed me a few years ago how to fold a twenty-dollar bill so that the smoking twin towers can be seen on the back. I don't have time to look for the link, search for it on the Internet (e.g. http://www.foldmoney.com/). Suddenly, after the disaster, the old $20 bill, which could be folded into it, was withdrawn from circulation. And the masses were given the nonsense that they are "too easy to fake".
They disappeared very quickly as too many people knew how to fold them. The $20 is the most common currency in the US.
Other cases are, for example, assassination attempts against presidents. I did some research on this a few years ago.
Notice Lincoln, the names, the dates, the numbers, and how they come together in a very frightening way, clearly indicating that a Jewish version of witchcraft was employed. 911 is also a very obvious example of this; the date, the flights, the numbers, for example, the 11 letters of "New York City". Look it up.
In closing, the suicidal doctrines and teachings that proclaim that poverty and the rejection of all material possessions, only they help the Jews succeed and keep all the wealth and power in their hands.The suicidal teachings are drilled into the heads of the Gentiles from a very young age, ensuring that even in their next life they will not be free from it and remain poor .
Quotations from the Jewish Talmud:
Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God gave the Jews power over the blood and property of all nations."
58 Unveiling Christianity Updated: 25.02.2014. Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamispat 348: "The property of all other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, for which it is therefore entitled to take it from them without any penalty." Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamispat 156: "If a goy is in the hands of a Jew, another Jew can go to the
same to the goy, he can give him a loan, and then trick him into ruining the goy.
Because according to our laws, the property of the goy does not belong to anyone, and the first Jew who comes to it has the right to take it from him."
The Jews are behind all this, they are the ones who force Christianity, but they deceive the world into believing otherwise. I always see this everywhere because I am aware of it all. Even the smallest, most insignificant things, like most crossword puzzle books, come from the hands of Jewish writers, full of references to Christianity and its filthy bible, as if everyone should know every filthy Jewish character and archetype by heart.
As if this should be a general, everyday, accepted basic education.

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