Az Ótestamentum

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The Old Testament

The Old Testament

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Most Christians and others believe that the Judeo-Christian Bible is the "word of God"

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Most Christians and others believe that the Judeo-Christian Bible is the "word of God". In fact, almost all of what is in the Bible was stolen from other religions that predated Christianity by hundreds and thousands of years all over the world
. we will destroy God." - quote from the Minutes of the Elders of Zion.
Let's start with the "Five Books of Moses" written by the Jews, also known as the "Pentateuch" or "Torah", WERE STOLEN AND DISTORTED from the Egyptian "TAROT". Notice that the " Tóra" is an anagram of "Taro(t)". ​​The best-known example of the Tarot is the 78-card deck, which can be found in many places today and is used for divination. The Tarot consists of 5 suits (the 5 were taken from here and distorted): the fire elemental sticks, the air elemental swords, the water elemental chalices, the earth elemental coins, and the quintessence element trump. The trump suit was left out of the standard deck of playing cards, only the Fool card was left in it as a kind of Joker. These are all the elements of the human soul, and the message of the Tarot - in addition to its divination abilities - is nothing but the Magnum Opus, which leads to physical and spiritual perfection and immortality. This has all been stolen and changed and made into a fictional history of the Jews that has nothing to do with spirituality at all.
The Jewish Talmud instructs the Jews to destroy and enslave the Gentiles (Gentiles), since "YHWH" is actually the Jewish people.
Talmud quotations:
Sanhedrin 58b. If a Gentile strikes a Jew, he must be killed. Hitting a Jew is like hitting God.
The name of the invented Jewish "God", "Yaweh/Jehova", has been substituted for many Gentile/Pagan Gods.
"Jehovah" is a fictitious god. The name "Jehovah" was stolen from the Roman God "Jove". "The God-fearing Dr.
Parkhurst...proves with the sources of Diodorus Siculus, Varro, St. Augustine and others that the god of the Jews called Iao, Jehovah, ieue, or ie was stolen from the god of the Latins and Etruscans called Jove..." "YHWH/IEUE is also the Egyptian Sun God , Ra: Ra was the father of the heavens, whose title was "Huhi" (eternal), from which the Hebrews took the name "Ihuh". and was composed of the early Hebrew names Eve, Havah, or Hawah (he-vau-he). The four letters together formed the sacred Tetragrammaton, YHWH, the secret name of God..." The opposite of Zeus (Jove) and Prometheus was also used to present the concept of a rebellious God who was condemned and excommunicated because he gave knowledge to the to humans."1 Humanity's original religion was polytheistic (they had several different Gods). In the original Hebrew Bible, the word "Elohim" is used. "The compilers of the book of Genesis - who struggled to preach a belief in one God in an age when people believed in many gods; despite all their monotheistic aspirations - accidentally left words in the biblical narratives that speak of the god(s) in the plural. The name of the "deity" (when the Lord is not referred to as Yaweh) is not indicated by the singular El, but by the plural Elohim.2 12 The Debunking of Christianity Updated: 02/25/2014 The foundation of Christianity was stolen from the dualism of Zoroastrianism, which for centuries preceded Christianity. Yaweh/Jehova was replaced by Ahura Mazda, and the Ancient Gods, who are the Original Gods, were branded as "evil," creating the supreme monotheism of Yaweh/Jehova. The Original Gods were turned into Demons and monsters that represented evil.
The most of them ended up in "Goetia." Note the similarity between the roots of "Goet" ("Devil") and the degrading Jewish word "goy," or in the plural "goyim" (Gentiles).
This excerpt from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very telling:
"The Greeks and the Romans alike worshiped their deities, naively believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that the gods of other peoples are demons. cathen/04767a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship DEMONS GODS OF GENTILES!!!
Mithra, the celestial mediator of Ahura Mazda and Angra Manyu, has many striking similarities to the Christian Nazarene. Mithra was a savior whose coming was foretold by the prophets, like the Nazarene, a born in a cave (there are also claims of his birth in Nazareth) and the appearance of an exceptional star.Mithra would later replace Vishnu, known as the savior of the world in pre-Zoroastrian Vedism.
The Enúma Elish predated the Bible by at least 1000 years, but it is assumed to be much earlier than that. The tablets are now in the British Museum.
● The Atrahasis epic predates the biblical Genesis by more than 1,000 years. Both creation stories predate Christianity and the Judeo-Christian Bible by centuries.
Both accounts reveal to us that they were "GODS", not "One God". This is where the Jews made a mistake, as well as in the many contradictory writings. It is quite obvious that the Judeo-Christian Bible is not the word of "God". Foolish Bible-obsessed idiots preach that "God is perfect". Here is another contradiction. For a long list of contradictions, click here.
Both creation stories predate the Bible and show that there were many gods, not just one.
Book of Genesis, 1:26: "And God said: Let us make man in our image and likeness..."
This alone demolishes the Jewish monotheistic Yaweh myth.
Éa (Satan) created human beings and was assisted by several other Gods/Goddesses in the process. Below is a picture of the Sumerian creation. This was originally carved in stone, thousands of years old, predating Judeo commerce.
13 Unveiling Christianity Updated: 25.02.2014.                  ● THE FLOOD The story of the Flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh predates the Christian account by more than 1,000 years. According to the Judeo-Christian Bible, "Yaweh" caused the flood. It was actually "ENLIL" who let the flood happen. Tracing Enlil's origin on Earth, we find that he was "Bel", which later became "Baal", and finally "Beelzebub".

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