A valódi Tetragrammaton

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The real Tetragrammaton

I have already written a lot about spiritual allegories. Ordinary people are unable to see through the hidden messages behind the allegories and interpret the tales and legends about the Gods literally. First: Satan and the Powers of Hell do not require servile worship. They are our friends.
They have always wanted to help us and they still do. They are aliens. When someone mentions extraterrestrials, the Jews always attack.
Through extensive and advanced meditations, a person's mind also expands and his awareness increases (this is symbolized by the opening hood of the cobra). When he is finally able to see the truth and see through the lies of Christianity, Islam, and their vile Jewish roots, these programs will no longer pose a threat to him. There comes a point from which no lies or coercion can make a person believe the lies, because he has already seen and knows the truth. Here, in the groups, when accepting posts, I see many times the extent to which Christianity has permeated the minds of many people. As I opened myself more and more through meditation and research, Satan showed me more and more. In order to learn the truth, one must delve into "occult" topics, the research of which the Bible constantly warns against. I've been doing this for many, many years.
Regardless of the fact that I referred a lot to "Jehovah" and the filthy Jewish Christ, I say now many times: none of them exist! Both exist as thought forms on some level, and hostile aliens - e.g. the grays working for the reptilians, who want to enslave the Gentiles of the planet, as well as the hostile Northerners - also set themselves up as fictional entities and advertise them. Before modern cameras were invented and information about extraterrestrials was widely available, the occultist Aleister Crowley drew a picture of "Jehovah" in a trance state - the drawing showed a gray with a large head.
Okay, I've said enough, but if I don't keep repeating myself on this topic, newbies will be confused about what I'm going to say next.
If one ventures far enough into the occult and the teachings of occult societies (such as Freemasonry), one can see that these organizations are at some level aware of the powers of the human soul [most of the spiritual teachings have been systematically removed and the remaining information has been altered]. Freemasonry - before the Jews infiltrated it - was very spiritual and a "33rd level Freemason" meant that the member's kundalini was fully raised as the spine had 33 esoteric vertebrae.
At that time, Master Masons communicated with each other telepathically. The rebuilding of "Solomon's Temple" has to do with the Magnum Opus and the soul. This is a CONCEPT that the Jews have stolen, distorted, and used to serve their goals stemming from their insatiable greed. It is used for the purpose of the communist plan, the end result of which is the creation of a Gentile slave state.
666 is the kabbalistic square of the Sun, and this number also symbolizes the sun chakra. The true meaning of "Solomon's Temple" is THE TEMPLE OF THE SUN. Sol, Om and On (Solomon) are the Latin, Hindu and Egyptian words for the Sun. Sol is also almost identical to the English word Soul. What Solomon's Temple symbolizes was stolen by the Jews and turned into a fictional character - as they did with the fictional Nazarene and virtually everything in the Judeo-Christian Bible. The "Temple of Solomon" carries a spiritual meaning. This symbolizes the soul that has become perfect, 46 Unveiling Christianity Updated: 25.02.2014. when energy flows in eight separate rays from the sun chakra (666) in the center of the soul, which circulates spiritual energy. The shining soul is symbolized by the Sun. Eight is also the number of Astaroth. Also, this is the "New Jerusalem" - the name "Jerusalem" has also been stolen, twisted and changed to the name of a city in Israel. It's a CONCEPT! The brilliant, perfect soul is also called:
"The Light".
As most of you know, the annoying fish symbol of Christians is nothing more than a vagina tilted to the side, which is called a yoni. Many versions of the Tarot deck, even medieval ones, often depict the suit of clubs or swords in Ionic form. The shape of the heart chakra (the neutral chakra) is also similar to the ionia. The Ionic symbolizes the birth of a new soul, the attainment of spiritual and physical perfection, immortality through the completion of the Magnum Opus. The Christian nonsense about "rebirth" is false and nothing but spiritual degeneration, drowning in a sea of ​​lies.
There are 13 main chakras in the soul. The enemy has been blackening the number 13 for a long time, calling it unlucky, etc. trying to scare people away. In the same way, they want to scare people away from spirituality and the occult with horror films. The essence of this is that when someone performs a ritual, he invokes the four corner points. The uninitiated only point with their heads and talk, but those who know the truth know that this is just an allegory for vibrating in the soul, for increasing one's own powers. The soul has four important directions, which are masculine and feminine in nature.
This is what the enemy uses YHVH, although this is also just a distortion. The ignorant, the foolish, the uneducated believe that "YHVH" is some kind of superior being. THIS IS JUST A CONCEPT! And besides being just a concept, it was stolen and altered. There is no superior being. Infinity exists in both the microcosm and the macrocosm. There is no big, ugly Jewish horror that "created everything", who is omnipotent, nor anything that they try to shove down the throats of the unsuspecting masses. There is a war "out there" and there are aliens working here through the Jews who hate humans and want to enslave humanity to use our souls as an easily available source of energy. It's just like the cattle in the slaughterhouse - we are just cattle to them, and their success depends only on our ignorance. We have been cut off from our spiritual senses, so few see what the enemy is doing, but through meditations and Satan's Serpent we can open our spiritual eyes.
Returning to the four corners of the soul, after the RAUM meditation, one must vibrate all four corners of the soul. IO works for all four, but if you vibrate it correctly, you will notice a drastic increase in energy. IO comes from the Greek Io. Almost all Greek "myths" are actually important spiritual allegories, with the exception of some legends about the Gods (for example, the legend of Heracles - the account of his birth says that his mother was a human who had difficulties in giving birth, because he was fathered by a God [a Northern extraterrestrial ], who is much bigger and taller than us humans). I have seen some that were nearly 8 feet (240 cm) tall, such as Anubis. Herakles was a demigod, so he had human genes from one branch. IO is also an allegory, and although many Gods are real beings, their legends are important spiritual allegories. Such is the Greek Argos, who is actually "Agares". Agares is female, but the allegory depicts her as male. The "hundred-eyed giant" is a symbol of the spiritually strengthened soul.
"During her wanderings as a cow, Io found the chained Prometheus, who gave her hope. He predicted that she would have to wander for many years, but that she would eventually regain her human form and give birth to a child. He also predicted that the descendants of this child would among them will be a great hero who will deliver him. His predictions came true. During his wanderings 47 The Exposition of Christianity Updated: 02/25/2014 many geographical places were named, such as the Ionian Sea and the Bosphorus (which means "cow-wader "). She eventually reached the Nile, where Zeus turned her back into a human. She gave birth to Epaphus, and eleven generations later, her descendant Heracles freed Prometheus." 1 If we go one step further, we must mention that one of Satan's names is Éa. [As you already know, "Satan" means "truth" in Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages.] Almost all Sanskrit words end in "A". This letter in English and most Western alphabets has sloping sides like a pyramid. This shape is a symbol of the serpent energy rising in the soul and also refers to focusing on the spine. The so-called "tetragrammaton" of the soul is Í-Ó-É-A. These are the four vowels that, when vibrated in the four corners of the soul, raise its energy to a high level.
Right shoulder/right side of the body - Í Left shoulder/left side of the body - Ó The front half of the body - Е The back half of the body, but especially the spine - A We can see that this PAGAN CONCEPT was also stolen, changed, and the invented Jewish "Jehovah "-it became an entity. I must repeat again that the WORD "GOD" MEANS ME! THERE IS NO "JEHOVAH" OR "YAHVE" (taken from the idiot Christians who tried to pronounce YHVH), THE JEWS STOLE AND PERVERTED IT. Christians are so stupid it's beyond pathetic. The Jews confiscated spiritual knowledge and changed it so they could control the world and become "God" themselves.
In fact, it is just that: a vibration to drastically strengthen the soul.
Once one has enough knowledge and has broken down the walls in his mind to achieve enlightenment, the next thing doesn't need to be explained, because he will see clearly: the Nazarene was stolen from the concept of the serpent and turned into another Jewish character to be worshiped by the Gentiles. The so-called Most depictions and paintings of "saints" ARE ALL SHOWN WITH GLORY, WHICH SYMBOLIZES SATAN'S RAISED SERPENT! Also, the word "holy" in Spanish is "Santa", which is an anagram of Satan. This is not only a Western concept, but is also widely seen in the Far East [from where Christianity stole most of its content], for example, Buddha is often depicted with a crown of light.
Returning to the paintings that are claimed to depict the Nazarene: they actually depict a person with an ascended tkundalini. This is similar to many other illustrations that serve as guides or depictions of saints. When you buy any device, you usually get instructions for use, often these are depicted in pictures, as is the case with spiritual concepts.
You can read more about this in the article "The truth about Jesus".
The Nazarene is nothing more than a character invented by the Jews, created to replace the serpent. Paintings are guides, CONCEPTS created by people. As I wrote recently, if they did the same to SpongeBob, millions of people would kneel before a giant effigy of SpongeBob to pay their respects. Using sponges for cleaning would become blasphemy, a cardinal sin. Through the mass mind, it would come to life on its own, as a thought form. All 48 Unveiling Christianity Updated: 25.02.2014. there would be a sponge on the altar that could be adored. There would be huge, colossal sponges to which the holiest could make a pilgrimage - they would not choose the black box of Mecca. SpongeBob's little pineapple house would be an undersea heaven, and every "redeemed" individual would be destined to sink (instead of ascending to heaven) to the depths of the seas, hoping to spend eternity there.
All kidding aside, the enormous amount of spiritual energy that was channeled into the fictional character of the Nazarene grew to a monstrous degree - thanks to the misguided faith, the promotion of the lie at all levels, the beating into the minds of society. In addition, the person of the Nazarene also contains characteristics of the five elements, which were also corrupted - in true Hebrew fashion. When a person knows enough, he has opened his mind, and even Satan wants it that way, he can see through everything.
Christianity was imposed on society without giving any other alternative. Even crossword puzzles are full of puzzles that are solved by Christian Bible crap. Modern Paganism, Buddhism, Wicca, and everything else that is a corrupt offshoot of the original Paganism has been Christianized. The Jews even dared to order the Gentiles: they cannot use the power of the mind for material purposes - it's a big pile of horseshit!
Quote from the Talmud:
22. Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."
Fundamentalist Christians work tirelessly to remove Santa Claus from the Christmas circuit and replace him with the Nazarene. They have the same plan with the Easter Bunny, which they want to remove from Easter and also replace it with the Nazarene, and this applies to all pagan holidays. You can read more about this in the article "The Stolen Year".
Jehovah's witnesses go even further and try to eliminate all symbols that they call "idols", because by destroying important spiritual symbols, they also destroy spiritual knowledge and truths. ALL occult and spiritual teachings aim to strengthen the soul, raise the serpent, and complete the Magnum Opus. If someone looks with open eyes, no amount of coercion, lies or "explanations" can deceive them again. From this point on, the only thing a person can do is to awaken humanity to the truth with his work!


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