Major Panic! Desperate Struggle At The Auction House

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Total silence.

All eyes trained at what just happened before them,"Whoo! Now that's what I'm talking about!" y/n screams in joy, relishing in the fact that there's another crazy person like her going up against the Celestial Dragons while Luffy puts his hat on his head and then cracks his knuckles.

"Ch-Charles..." the elder pig stammer in shock as he and the female pig witnessed the whole thing,"Sorry everybody, now that I've punched this guy, there's gonna be a navy admiral coming here with a warship." Luffy apologizes to his crew.

"I'm just pissed that I didn't get to cut him down. You beat me to it." Zoro grumbles as her held his sword at the ready while Nami ran to Hatchen's side,"Hatchie! Hang in there." she says,"Do you know how much trouble you guys are in now?" Hatchen groans and Nami just smiles,"Oh, that's just Luffy. What can you do?" she chirps.

"Nothing." Sanji answers as he lit a cigarette,"Welp, that's that. I guess we're fighting." Frankie comments,"First off, we've gotta get the keys to Camie and y/n's collars. It's probably backstage." Chopper mentions as y/n continues to tug at her wrists,"In the meantime, I'll tend to Hatchie's wounds." he adds and y/n is relieved to hear that.

"Charles..." the elder pig mumbles,"Dear brother, what have they done to you!? No one's ever laid a hand on him, not even you father!" the female pig exclaims with disbelief written all over her face,"You scum! How dare you raise a hand to my son!" the elder pig shouts before whipping his own gun out and taking a shot at Luffy.

But nothing hits, but this did cause all the other nobles to run out in fear of their lives,"Our righteous bloodline is directly descended of the creators of this world! You'll suffer for your insolents!" the elder pig continues to shoot at Luffy, who kept still as the bullets miss him.

"No one gives a damn who you're related to!" Sanji screams as he jumps into action and kicks the gun out of the elder pig's hands,"That bastard kicked Saint Roswald!" a knight yelps as he and his buddy charges at Sanji, who flips over his hand and towards them.

"Kue! Concasse!" he screams as he lands two swift kicks to each knight, Frankie backing up behind him, knocking another guard away,"Hey, get a move on Frankie! Free Camie and y/n!" Sanji screams,"I'm on it! You just leave it to me!" Frankie grins at him and y/n's ears perks up at the sound of heavy footsteps,"Guys, reinforcements are coming! Be careful!" she warns the crew just as more men ran by her and came running in from the front.

"Ahh! There are tons of 'em!" Chopper panics and Luffy glares at the incoming guards,"Gum-Gum... Whiiiiiiiip!!" he screams as he stretches his leg at an unbelievable length and kicks the guards away whilst Zoro went sword to spear against two guards. He easily cuts them down, but more came at him thinking he let his guard down.

"Tatsu... Maki!!!" Zoro shouts as he easily blows them all away in a whirlwind,"Awesome!" y/n's eyes glimmer with awe and turns to see Frankie throwing people off of himself before turning around,"Strong Right!" his right fist is literally launched off from his forearm, though was connected to his body by a single chain, as he punches a group of soldiers away.

"Freeeesh... Fire!!" Frankie took a deep breath before blowing a jet of fire at incoming soldiers, setting them ablaze and into a panicking fit,"Ahhhh!! No, leave me alone!" y/n hears Nami scream as she ran away from some guards, but ultimately trips and rolls down the stairs, bumping into the seats as well,"Nami, are you okay!?" y/n screams in worry as she tries to break the chains around her wrists.

Nami only groans as the guards lean over to see her stuck between seats, though they weren't expecting to see her smirking at them,"Armor and a storm? Not so smart." she comments and the soldiers grew confuse, unaware of the dark thundering clouds behind them,"Thunder... Bolt Tempo!" Nami electrocutes them and y/n laughs at this,"Boy, despite being in chains, I'm sure enjoying this show!" she laughs.

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