"Your other half? How is that possible? You aren't even a wolf and neither is she"

"I can feel the connection, that is what matters ,Luna just as you feel a connection with Alpha Xerxes. "

"But you said t..."

"It was nice meeting you Alpha Xerxes and Luna Larissa, I wish both of you a happy life together and I know this may come off as rude but both Lucien and I need to leave"

"Yes, we do, we had prior plans that need to be tended too. I know you know what I mean Alpha Xerxes "

"Lucien wait I..."

Neither of us waited for Larissa to speak.

We both walked away trying hard to contain our laughs

Once we were at a good distance away, we couldn't help but laugh.

I did most of the laughing while Lucien just smiled and occasionally chuckled here and there

"This is so messed up"

"Tell me about it. But you know, Andrea, this might actually work out for the very best,"

"Positive thinking, I like that"

"Yeah, positive thinking"

"So what are your plans after this entire fiasco is over" I couldn't help but ask as we walked further from the crowd

Maybe this might be the last time that I would be seeing him.

Judging from how events were moving extremely fast and things were becoming uncertain everyday, I needed to cut whatever sort of feelings that I may have began harbouring for him from the bud.

"Is this you trying to get me to leave this place"

"Of course not ,I mean, don't you have a company to run or something and besides, you also need to chair all those meetings and do all the paper work that CEOs like you do"

"What if I tell you that I am on a vacation"

"CEOs don't have vacations"

"Oh really now"

"Be honest with me Lucien, why are you truly here"

I asked looking into his eyes in order for him to know how serious that question was

"You really want to know huh"

"Of course I do"

"Okay then. The reason as to why I am here is because I am looking for someone"



"And is this someone a female if I may ask?"

"Yes, yes she is"

Okay, that answer was definitely unexpected.

"Why are you looking for her?"

"Because she's been missing for quite a while now and one of the few places that she hasn't been searched for includes this pack"

"She must be someone really important huh"

"She is"

"Her family must be worried about her"

"They were"

"Past tense?"

"Yeah, her parents were murdered after she disappeared "

"Do you mind me asking why they were murdered "

"Issues dealing with the inheritance of her father and mother's multi-million companies and their assets "

"Rich people problems huh"


"And does she know that her parents are dead?"

"She was kidnapped when she was just a baby, so I doubt that she even knows them"

"That's just sad"

"Indeed it is "

"So what will happen once you find her?"

"I'll take her back to where she belongs, train her and in a few years she will take over the companies I guess "

"Well good luck on that"

He smiled and looked straight ahead.

"So about that kiss"

That made me look down in shame

"I'm honestly sorry, I don't know what came over me. Sorry for making things awkward"

"I never mentioned it being awkward "


"I guess I'll see you around then"

And with that I walked away before I could make things more awkward

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