Chapter 29

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I'm on a roll today with all these updates. Once again I want to remind those that had read this book before all the new chapters that things are a bit different and the ending might be different but I'll try harder to make the book even more interesting

Feel free to ask questions and comment also don't forget to vote .

Love y'all

"He finally did it huh"

I sighed

"If it helps,you are much more beautiful than his new Luna"...

"Now is not a time to joke"

"We now need to head over to the pack house for the official announcement, failure to attend can be quite costly"

"Aren't they going to have a ceremony or something?"

"That's another reason why I am here. I am one of the people that was invited for the ceremony. I received information yesterday night "

"You know ,I have never understood wolves and how they work"

"I love the fact that you are so calm about this. I expected you to probably throw a small tantrum or burst into tears but instead you are rather calm and composed. Why is that?"

"Well, I just don't want to dwell on the past or what could have been. If I do so, I'd simply destroy myself and besides, if I were to ever love someone,I would want to be their number one and only options. I don't ever want to be the second choice "

"Deep. Very deep"

"I know, now let's go see how this whole drama will play out"

"I have my car, I can give you a ride to the place"

"Won't that cause problems. If he sees me with another man ,won't he cause a scene?"

"Isn't he going to mark another woman Andrea? Isn't he going to be paired for eternity with someone else"

"Good point, "

"I have this ridiculous idea"

"Spill it?"

"What if we act like a couple. Love at first sight and all that shit"

That made me laugh

"Why would we do that?"

"Don't you want revenge for all that he did,and besides didn't he confess his love for you then ditched you at the end?"

"Well he did all that, but I'm not that petty ."

"Come on, you know you want to rub it in his face that he made a mistake "

"Once again, I will choose the high road and not stoop down to his level "

"Can I hold your hand then, when they exchange their vows?"

"Why are you so keen on upsetting the alpha?"

I smiled.

"Well because I never liked that prick in the first place. He always failed to see the bigger picture and always messed things up"

"Sounds like a deep grudge"

"It is actually,but I have a personal vendetta against his mate,Larissa"

"Why is this getting interesting. Tell me more"

"Well, she cause the death of my parents. When the rogues she invited invaded, my parents unfortunately paid the price and she also always got into my nerves "

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