Chapter 28

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You could say you miss all that we had
But I don't really care how bad it hearts
When you broke me first
You broke me first

After exchanging those words with Xerxes, I sunk onto my arm chair and ran my fingers through my hair.

So that just happened but everything was going to be alright. I've survived once, a second time will definitely be easier and at least now I know what not to do if I'm, planning on entering another relationship

Positive thinking.

I can't let the voices in my head win. Voices that tell me that I am not an enough. Voices that tell me that I will never be good enough.

I don't want to loose control over my life.

So instead of drowning my problems and heartbreak in depression and alcohol, I'd rather take a positive turn and block it all out until I'm ready to face it all.

As I kept on giving myself a pep talk, a knock sounded

"Come on in"

It was one of the Omegas. Samaya if I wasn't wrong

I slipped my mask on and smiled

Fake it till you make it..

"Good afternoon Andrea, I'm so sorry for bothering you but there is a man outside who claims to know you and he is seeking an audience. I told him to come back tomorrow but he insists on seeing you right now"

"Did he give you a name?"

"Yes, I believe he mentioned his name. Lucien to be exact."

Lucien? Never heard of that name but what did I have to loose.

If he had any bad intentions he wouldn't come during the day and announce his arrival

"Okay send him in Samaya"

"Are you sure Andrea,I have never seen him before, he might have bad intentions "

"Than it's a good thing you'll be right outside and besides,I f he tries something I will yell for help"

"Okay Andrea "

She soon left and after a minute or two a man soon entered.

I took to analyse him and try to remember where I had seen him from

He was about 6'2 ,his eyes were a warm honey brown let's not forget about his jaw and we'll built body.

He was wearing cargo pants and a tight fitting black top

One thing I also noticed was that his eyes never left mine during that entire time

"Nice to finally meet you when you are sobber Andrea"

Now that made everything click

The man from the bar

"I don't know if I should be embarrassed or impressed on how thick you skin is for showing up here at this time"

"I see you still have your special sense of humor"

"Thank you for bringing me back safely that day and sorry for any unnecessary troubles that I may have given you"

I ushered him to take a seat and asked Samaya to bring some refreshments

"That was no big deal, besides , you entertained me thoroughly that day, with your stories, just your stories "

"I almost forgot that you are a pervert with perverted tendencies"

"A pervert? Me? I am hurt. You think so low of me "

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