The Fist Explodes! Destroy The Auction

Start from the beginning

"It seems entry number 16, the pirate captain Lacuba, was so nervous to see well that he collapsed from a nosebleed. His auction will have to wait. We apologize for any inconvenience." Disco announces and a lot of people seemed relieved by this.

"Bullshit." y/n hisses as her fists tightens,"But ladies and gentlemen, the next items I have to show you are nothing sort of incredible! These highly sought after prizes are sure to be on everyone's wishlist! Nooooow, bring them to the stage!"

Y/n feels herself be wheeled out as flashes of lights could be seen through the cloth along with drumrolls,[You know what? Imma put on a show for them.] y/n smirks deviously before pulling her lips into a snarl.

"These items are far too amazing to reveal all at once, so we'll take it in steps. Observe the silhouettes!" a bright turns on to reveal y/n and Camie's shadows through the cloths and y/n flicks her tail and ears a bit, hearing all the pigs 'Oh' and 'Ah' at them like they're pieces of meat.

[Take it all in, filthy pigs. You'll regret your life choices soon enough.] y/n thought with narrowed eyes,"Did that wedge your appetite? Well try not to drool folks, because here comes the real deal. It's time for the unveiling. Feast your eyes on this!" the cloths were immediately ripped off to show off Camie and y/n, who immediately growls and screams at the people. This of course scared them all.

"Oh my!"

"What a ruthless animal!"

"Somebody dart it!"

"I'm gonna kill you all! You filthy pigs!" y/n snarls as she yanks at her chains before her eyes lands on a familiar pig,"Hey! Hey! Hey! Look who's here! The pig I scratched earlier." y/n grins in a bloodthirsty manner at the Celestial Dragons, causing their eyes to widen with disgust and offense.

"Brother, is that the wench that freed your slaves and landed a scratch on you?" the female pig asks with narrowed eyes,"Indeed. Father, I want her killed!" the pig orders while the elder pig ponders for a moment, staring y/n down.

"Hah, you kill me!? Please, I've already killed Celestial Dragons when I was eight!" y/n brags, earning sharp gasps from the pig family and the rest of the auction house as everything went quiet,"Y-you... What?" the elder pig stammers in horror.

"You heard me! You filthy pigs deserve nothing but death! Try to enslave me again! I'll rip your heads off like I did to the last people!" y/n snarls as her fur and hair bristles up,"And if you so much as touch Camie, I'll rip your throats out!" she threatens, unaware of the eyes on her from two certain pirate groups.

"Well damn, girl's got some spunk. I like that." Kid smirks with crossed arms, relishing in the fact that the girl brought the auction house to total silence,"Kid, you might wanna see this." Killer had pulled out a certain bounty and hands it to his captain, who's smirk and eyes widen,"Well I'll be damned. It's her."

"The Celestial Killer, huh? Didn't know that was who was hiding under the hood." Law grins in amusement, head tilted back a bit,"Gotta say, she is crazy." he chuckles lowly.

"You, be quiet over there!" Disco glares at the hybrid before turning back to the crowd,"Not to worry folks, she's all chained down, muzzled and have a collar on. There's no way she would even dare to attack you on sight. If so, she'll immediately explode." he reassures the crowd, who all became relieved. Some even dared to laugh.

"That's right, she can't do anything."

"What a pathetic threat."

"Though, she still did kill Celestial Dragons. How utterly sad, reduced to a slave once more."

Y/n growls, but backs off, knowing what's to come if the Old Man hurries it up. She then spots Hatchen and the Straw Hats way up at the auction house entrance while the crowd starts to cheer. Hatchen was calling out to them, but the pigs screams were deafening to y/n's ears.

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