Elodie shook her head. "I just don't want to be discussed. I would prefer it. Highly. Please note that, RK800."

"I have noted that you do not want to be discussed." It replied dutifully. "Would you like me to avoid mentioning you at all?"

"I mean no, that would be obtrusive to your investigations. Just ... Don't bring it up any of it to me. Not that article or a wiki or any of it." She muttered, smoothing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Is there a particular reason? I would appreciate the feedback."

She could feel her cheeks heating at the directness of the question. She found herself shrugging awkwardly, unable to conjure an answer beyond 'I don't like it'. The android blinked at her as it waited, hands clasped in its lap.

Finally, she cleared her throat. 

"Most people don't like hearing a bunch of things you've searched about them from the internet." She replied in a tone that implied she had learned this the hard way. Connor nodded.

"So people usually prefer to have their information acquired in real life. From observation."

Again, a pause. Elodie shrugged. "Yes, you could say that."

Connor smiled then, nodding. "I will do my best to learn about you naturally then, Miss Kamski."

"Sounds good." She replied, propping an arm against the window sill of the car. She thought for a moment about correcting the android away from addressing her by her surname, but figured better of it. There were worse things to make of her last name than tacking on the honorific. 

Silence settled in the car once more. Elodie closed her eyes, listening for the mechanical whir of the automated car, finding the rhythm and allowing it to lull her nerves. When she had sufficiently calmed herself, she straightened upwards, tentatively glancing to her side. The Connor android had it's watch trained forwards, but slowly it turned its neck to meet her eye. After a beat, its lips pulled into an awkward smile, eyes crinkling.

"I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot." It said suddenly, thrusting a hand forward for her to shake. "I really should have introduced myself. My name is Connor."

Elodie, unsure of what else to do, shook its hand. The android's grip was firm but not painful, its palm surprisingly warm and soft. She cleared her throat as she retracted herself.

"Yeah, maybe. My name is Elodie."

"Elodie Renata Kamski." Connor said, with a nod.

"Yes." Elodie replied, her brow softly creasing. "I don't suppose I gave you a full name?"

"You did not." Connor said.

"A missed opportunity."

The car took a smooth left, drawing Elodie's attention for a brief moment. She knew they were headed into the city centre, but to where she wasn't privy. Elijah had told her that Connor's objective would determine their destination, but this had done enlighten her further and had sent her nerves into a frenzy.

"Where are we going?" She said, the question finally becoming too much to hold within.

"1301 3rd Avenue. DPD Central Station." Connor replied. "We are to report to the captain of the force for our first case. I believe a detective or police officer will be assigned to aid us in our investigation."

"A detective? A human one I assume." Elodie mused to herself.

Connor nodded. "One has not been assigned thus far."

"I see."

"May I ask a question?"

Elodie hesitated before replying. "Well ... Sure."

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