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"I think for the purposes of my mission that you and I should get to know one another." 

It wasn't until ten minutes into the taxi ride that the android finally spoke again. Elodie almost jumped out of her skin when it finally did, the android shifting in the seat beside her to turn and look at her. Unnerved, she swallowed, turning her eyes to the world outside before replying.

"I don't think that's entirely necessary."

"I spent the beginning of our car ride doing some research on you in order to facilitate a beginning to our conversation." The android continued. "I can present you my findings if you would like or I can simply integrate them into future conversation."

Elodie swung her head around to look at the android, opening her mouth. She remained still as she searched it's face, before letting out a small bark of laughter.

"Well I definitely programmed you. Your language execution is incredibly rigid."

"I believe the more I associate with others around me, the more naturalistic I will grow. My personality takes into account my immediate audience after we have spent a degree of time with one another."

"Sounds about right." Elodie muttered to herself, leaning back in her seat with a shake of her head. 

Just from the short conversation, she could already see that the android was far more sophisticated than anything else Cyberlife had created before. Most androids, though intelligent, deferred to their owners, especially when it came to their range of dialogue. It felt strange to have an android begin a conversation, let alone one that was attempting to set the pace.

"Elodie Renata Kamski, born 19th of September 2001 in San Jose, Califor—"

"I didn't tell you to present your research." She said.

"I was programmed to take initiative and mould my conversation style. I am taking into account that you have a reserved, introverted personality and filling the silence to best accommodate." The android replied, turning its body to further angle towards her. In response, Elodie found herself leaning closer to the car door.

"Well it's not very accommodating." Elodie replied, perhaps a little sharply. "I don't need my wiki page blurted out to me."

"I was choosing to field my information from your 2036 interview with Tech Magazine, entitled 'Meet Elijah Kamski's Scion Sister'. I will note that you do not wish for me to surmise information from Wikipedia when it applies t—"

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