"She was a betrayer. She deserved it." He looked me in the eye and I could see the storm building in his black orbs.

"And so what? You shot a bullet in her head?!"

"As I said, she had it coming." He gritted lowly as his jaw clenched and eyes turned sharp, slipping off the mask of pretense just for a second before regaining his composure.

Just as I was wondering what he would do next, he took a few steps in my direction. I instinctively backed away. He made me nervous for a good enough reason to run for the hills. I am pretty sure he noticed that too.

"Relax, I am not going to hurt you." He said, stopping in his tracks and I scoffed.

"And you think I believe that? After you drugged me twice, almost killed me once, and made me homeless? No way."

"Fine. Have it as you may like." A soft sigh left his mouth making me surprised for a while. Why is he behaving so willingly?

I wish I could say he has not changed at all after these many years but anyone who sees him right now can confirm that yes, he has changed a lot. I don't know for better or worst he is a lot more patient now and a lot less reckless.

It shouldn't bother me but for some reason it does. It conveys a message that he has become more dangerous to deal with. He definitely has something up his sleeves. I just hope I know how to come out of this mess without much damage.

The short boxed beard he has grown changed his features completely. I am not sure I would have recognized him at first glance if he had strolled past me on a road or something. The last time I saw him he was clean-shaven. Now the beard gave him a more mature and rough look. So much so that people would actually consider him as some renowned figure.

"I think we have met before." I said suddenly.

Yeah, now if I remember, he seems familiar. Where did I see him recently?

I immediately racked my brain in search of him but before I could think more he himself revealed it.

"Day before yesterday at the club, when you were celebrating your bachelor's party. I was there." He said and my eyes widened.

"It was you." My eyes trailed him up and down. I couldn't believe it was really him. What a creep.

The thought of us together at some unknown place where even if I wanted I couldn't do anything threatens me to my core. What if something had happened? What would I have done then? Thank God, Vivaan came immediately afterward. To put it simply, I could never trust Shubham on anything.

He played dirty to his own sister, who was I to take him lightly?

"You seriously can't hold your liquor, can you?" He joked as if I was not someone who wouldn't think twice before murdering him but an old friend.

"You put Abha into a coma, Shubham. For how many years? Seven or eight something? Have you got no conscience? No guilt? No regret? After all, she was your own sister. Wait is she still in a coma?" I asked in shock as my hand slammed against my mouth in horror.

"Now, don't act like you care Mayra. You know you don't. You never did." He snapped and for a fraction of a second I felt hatred rolling off his voice in waves, that I am sure would send me flying across the globe.

"That's not true." I said, nervously.

I was taken aback by him and I got chills when I saw the glare on his face. I stumbled back a little remembering that unfortunate day when he kidnapped me. He had the same expression when I was running away from him while he stood beside his bleeding sister. At least he didn't follow me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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