Forever&Always (part 15)

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(zayns POV )

I arrived at the hospital , trying to keep my eyes on the ambulance car, but lost track when I Parked. the parking wasn't free, so I grabbed a couple coins and slipped them in the metre.

I rushed towards the door , when I got in I was greeted by a couple of nurses.

"would you happen to know where Mrs. Helens is?" I rushed my words, anxious to see Mrs. Helens and danny.

"ugh, yeah, I'll page her" a nurse with blonde tied back hair answered me and the other two just stood there and carried on with their conversation. my feet shifted under me as I waited

"doctor Helens please report to the main floor, thank you"

the voice echoed around me. I was afraid to tell Danny's mom about the incident, but she was the only one who could take me to her.

A tall brunette turned from the Hall to my right and I realized it was Danny's mom.

I inhaled a huge breath and began to speak.

"hello Mrs. Helens..."

"zayn? is everything alright?"

"um no, we need to get to danny" I stopped making eye contact. afraid of how she was going to react.

"what! what happened? where is she!"

"I'll explain later , she's fine" I continued.

" but she's here, in the hospital, and I'm not sure what room" I could see the worried look in her eyes.

"come with me" I wasn't expecting her to run, but I tried my best to keep up. We took atleast 10 turns before we got to double doors that read "10-20 " I assumed that was an age group. she took out a card and scanned it. afterwards, I heard a click indicating that the door unlocked. She ran again, we took a sharp left turn until we reached a desk.

"danny? is she here!" she was panicking as she spoke to someone who she seemed to know well

"room 106" the women pointed down the hall. Me and Danny's mom bolted , I was in the lead but I wasn't very sure on where I was going. I instantly froze when I saw 106 on the door to my right. I was about to knock, but I was stopped when her mom walked in. I was getting tired of not knowing her name.

I followed behind her, only to see danny sleeping on the bed. I swallowed hard, approaching her. The beeping noise went off equal pauses in between. her mother was talking to another nurse, I could see she was a little less worried.

I put my attention back to danny, I took a seat in the chair next to danny and held her hand.

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