Forever&Always (part 14)

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I lay there on the floor. I could faintly hear someone shouting.

"Danny!!" I think it was zayn , but I couldn't tell , my head was spinning and my ankle throbbed with intense pain.

(zayns POV )

"danny, danny! Jesus! danny answer!" I could feel my face becoming red and hot. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed 911. I gave them the address and told them to be quick. I shoved my arms under her and brought her to the couch. when I sat her down she was unconscious. I removed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead , hoping that she would wake up , but then again this wasn't sleeping beauty.

There was a loud knock at the door then it opened , a couple of paramedics walked in and told me to stand back. They picked her up carelessly and and put her on a stretcher. I was having troubles watching her like this. I was praying that she wasn't in too much pain, all I wanted was to take the pain for myself, I wished the person who fell was me and not her.

"I'm sorry " I whispered to her as they took her away. it was crazy at what running down stairs could do to you.

I stood outside and watched them drive away. I got into my truck as quick as possible and attempted to follow them, And then I realized something bad.

Danny's mom worked at the hospital we were on our way to. I couldn't imagine her watching her own daughter roll in. my hands tightly gripped the steering wheel and my jaw clenched hard. Everything will be alright, I thought. or, well, I hoped.

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