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THE five friends along with Ja'Marr and Tee Higgins, Evan McPherson, and Sam Hubbard who were also on the Cincinnati Bengals, and Olivia Holzmacher who was a friend of Joe's when he went to LSU, went to one of the clubs downtown that night.

Alicia and Lily Rose were on the dance floor dancing together. Skyler was at the bar scrolling through her phone and drinking, Ja'Marr, Tee, Evan, Sam, and Jace were all talking, and Joe and Liv were talking.

Alicia laughed at Lily Rose who was giggling and dancing idiotically.

Lily Rose slowed down and panted.

"Whoo, I need a break." She said.

"Same. Let's go to the bar." Alicia replied.

She made her way to the bar with Lily Rose behind her.

"Hey, Sky!" Lily Rose greeted.

Skyler clicked off her phone and turned to look at the blonde.

"Oh. Hi, Lils." Skyler said, plainly.

"Um...Are you gonna dance with us after our break?" Lily Rose asked.

"Yeah, maybe. I'm gonna go the bathroom for a sec. You can come if you want." Sky offered.

"Sure!" Lily Rose smiled.

Skyler got up and walked to the bathroom and Lily Rose followed behind her.

Alicia smiled. She knew Lily Rose liked Skyler and she thought it was cute. But then she frowned because her sister's straight and it'd never work out.

Alicia then turned her head to see Joe laughing at something Olivia had said.

She rolled her eyes and went over to Jace.

"Hey. Less talk, more dance." She smirked at him.

"I'm liking the sound of this. Later boys." Jace said and followed Alicia to the dance floor.

"I don't know why she's with him, she obviously likes Joe." Tee spoke up as he watched them go out onto the dance floor.

"Definitely." Sam nodded.

"I agree." Evan agreed and took a sip of his beer.

"That's what I've been saying, but she's scared of  Joe the dumbass's rejection and said dumbass is in denial because they're best friends and according to him, best friends don't date." Ja'Marr rolled his eyes. "But I ain't giving up. I'm getting those two together if it's the last thing I do."

"Damn, bro's scheming." Tee said.

"It's never good when Ja'Mrr's scheming." Sam shook his head.

"Yeah, but this time it's for a good cause." Evan added.

"So? He's done it for a good cause before and it ended up wrong." Sam reminded. "Like the whole Tyler situation."

"Oh shit, you're right." Evan frowned.

"Would y'all shut up?" Ja'Marr gave a dirty look.

"Wait, do y'all think Lily Rose likes Skyler?" Evan asked.

Ja'Marr rolled his eyes and drank some beer.

Tee smirked and put an arm around Ja'Marr's shoulder.

"I do. And I also think Ja'Marr likes Lily Rose." Tee smirked.

"Oh shit!" Evan exclaimed.

"I do not like Lily Rose. But I think Skyler likes Jace." Ja'Marr replied.

"Dude, this feels like second grade. This one likes that one and that one likes this one. It's all very confusing." Sam pointed out.

"Not to Ja'Marr it's not. He's the love whisperer." Tee joked.

Ja'Marr rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, I've got something to take care of."

He began walking over to Joe and Olivia.

"Have fun, love whisperer!" Tee called.

Ja'Marr gave him the finger and Tee laughed.

"Sup, Ja'Marr." Joe nodded when Ja'Marr arrived.

Ja'Marr dapped Joe up. "Yo. I gotta talk to you about something, bro."

"Cool, what's going on?" Joe asked.

Ja'Marr stared at Olivia.

"Um, hi?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I gotta talk to Joe about something." Ja'Marr repeated.


Ja'Marr raised his eyebrows at her.

Olivia rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Why did Liv need to leave?" Joe asked.

"Because she likes you and you like Alicia and Alicia likes you and that's what we needed to talk about, so she needed to go away because you need to be with Alicia and not her." Ja'Marr explained.

Joe stared at him blankly.

All he could say was, "what?"

Ja'Marr sighed. "You need to go out there and get yo girl, bro."

Ja'Marr nodded to the dance floor and Joe looked over.

Alicia was grinding on Jace who was holding on to her hips.

"I mean, I don't really like the way they're dancing, but she's not my girl and she never will be. We're just best friends, Ja'Marr. Nothing more." Joe replied.

"I love you, bro, but I'm sick of this denial shit. You don't like them dancing because you like her. Fine, don't to anything about it, but at least admit it. If not to me then yourself." Ja'Marr responded.

"You know what? Fine! I like her. I like Alicia a lot. And seeing her with another guy, especially that guy being one of our childhood best friends, is killing me. I hate it. But we can never date. She's my best friend and I'd rather risk not loving her than risk not having her in my life at all. Now I'm gonna go because I'm really pissed off."

He pulled some money out of his pocket and slammed it down on the bar then left.

Ja'Marr sighed and rubbed his eyes.

When he picked his head up, he saw Lily Rose running out of the club.

He put down his drink and followed her outside.

"Lil Ro? What's wrong?" He called.

"Nothing! I'm going home!" She yelled.

"By yourself?"

"I'm calling an Uber! Just leave me alone!" She exclaimed.

"Well, I was getting ready to leave too, so why don't I come with you?" He offered.

"Fine, but I don't want to talk. I want silence." Lily Rose replied.

"Alright. Whatever you want." He agreed.

"Thank you."

Skyler stormed out of the bathroom and Alicia noticed her angrily storming to the door.

Alicia grabbed Jace's hands and removed them from her hips.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked.

"Uh, I'll be right back."

Alicia left the dance floor and went over to her sister.

"Hey, Sky is everything okay?" She asked.

Sky rolled her eyes. "Leave me alone, Alicia."

"What? Why? All I'm asking is what's wrong I—."

"Leave me alone! Go fuck Jace or something!" Sky yelled and left the club.

Alicia watched her go with a bewildered look.

There was something wrong with the friend group and Alicia had to fix it.

I know this doesn't feel like a Joe story right now, but it will soon I swear.

Lea <3

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