[I'm Sorry] Platonic Liam X Reader

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I hope this is fine- Requested by StonewonkorRosen.

[Y/N's PoV]

After fiddling with the radio, I lifted the arm. The radio oddly didn't make sound- instead I was transported to this... forest? Looking around, I walked farther out. I saw a cabin, and a backpack.. you began to approach him.. "...Uh-" Suddenly the backpack curled his hand into a fist and punched you.

[Liam's PoV]

He heard a voice. It was slightly worried, confused, yet sounded almost monotone for a second. He barely thought, Airy! No, he won't do this competition again! He punched towards the voice, flinching when he realized that it wasn't Airy. The other object seemed angry now. Definitely not Airy- They gave my leg a kick, right next to my knee. It was- unluckily- the broken one that just healed. It was still weak, so it gave out. The other object began punching me. "Wait! I'm sorry I thought you were someone else- someone bad- OW- STOP PUNCHING ME-" Liam gave a kick with his good leg, getting the other object away from him. The other object did stop. "Ohhh.. sorry, but you punched me first!" Without giving Liam a chance to respond, they said, "I guess I should help you. My name's Y/N, how about you?" They asked, while giving him their hand. "Lia- OW Ow Ow ow-.. Liam." Well. That didn't seem good. His previously broken leg would barely let him up. Y/N seemed concerned, and asked, "Is there anywhere I can get something to help you?" Liam nodded, and pointed towards Airy's small cabin. Y/N quickly left, and came back just as quickly. They began treating Liam's wounds. "Nice to meet you Liam. Not the way we actually first saw each other, but after wards-" they quickly said, seeming to think they said the wrong thing.

[Y/N's PoV]

Time skip several months later..

The contestants were still on the plane, unfortunately. Apparently, some lantern called "Airy" had trapped them there unwillingly. Liam and I have been friends for so long.. yet they got so nervous on the inside near Liam. Today was the day. Y/N was going to tell Liam their feelings. Y/N found Liam on the computer. "Hey uh.. Liam..?" You began, nervous. "Oh hey Y/N! Is something wrong?" He turned towards you, seeming worried. "No, no, nothing is wrong but uh... I kinda well.. I love you.." You gave him a nervous, shy look. In his eyes weren't happiness though, it was.. guilt? "I'm.. I'm sorry, Y/N. I like you, a lot, don't get me wrong. But.. I love someone else.." He said the end part quietly, as though embarrassed. He looked towards the plane, towards a spot where there was a candle and a soda bottle. "Oh that's alright! It doesn't matter anyways." You replied quickly, speed walking out. It sounded like he called your name, but you didn't hear him. Y/N went towards some trees far out. Pretty hidden, seeing how there were trees like EVERYWHERE. They sat by ONE of them (get it?) and hugged their knees. Letting out a shaky breath, they reassured themselves. "It's alright. It doesn't matter, he can love whoever he wants. We can still be good friends. Nothing too bad happened." Breathing in and out a few times to calm themselves, they walked back towards the cabin, and went to their bed. Liam came in a little later, apologizing again, but you quickly reassured him that nothing was wrong. He gave you a small hug, seeing how you still looked sad. "Don't be sad, please. We can still be friends.. I promise, you're enough, I promise you." He probably added the last part to let you know that you were a good friend. It cheered you up- a little.

[Liam's PoV]

Time skip to whenever (hopefully ever) the contestants got sent back..

Hanging out with my new boyfriend Bryce (squeaky clean- not) and my best friend, Y/N, was probably gonna be one of the best parts of today. Looking at Y/N, he remembered how long ago they admitted that they loved him. But they showed no sign of sadness. They seemed... happy. "Liiiiaaaaammmmmm- Earth to liam, you there?" They waved their hand in front of his face. "Im here don't worr-" He stared out the window, a look of shock on his face. "What's wrong?" Y/N asked, Bryce coming up to Liam. Liam pointed out of the window.. outside of the window, there was a very confused looking object. He seemed to come out of nowhere, and he looked around. "Oh god.." Bryce whispered. Y/N came up and asked, "What's wrong?" They gave both Bryce and Liam a worried, friendly look. "Y/N... look outside." They looked out, and seemed confused. "I don't get it. What's so bad?" Liam took an angry breath in, not angry at Y/N, but instead at the object outside.





It's Airy."

GR SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG I HAVE HAD NO IDEAS- I was listening to "You Are Enough" by Sleeping at Last- parts of this story were inspired by it I guess? Song makes me happy but sad cause I've never heard those words in that order before- this is the first time, but it's in a song.

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