07 - t h e n

14 2 0


Her gaze collides with mine with the intensity of a thousand volts.

Shit, it didn't even cross my mind she'd be sober. The stunt she just pulled off in front of so many people had me thinking otherwise.

Aubrey jerks her arms out of my grip.

"Woah, easy there." I say.

"Shut up, Morris, or else you're going to end up like her. Just ten times worse." Her glare doesn't do shit to faze me.

My lips curve upwards into a smile of amusement and I raise my hands up in surrender.

I like this girl too much for my own good.

I watch as she throws me another glare before stalking off to the front door to leave. On her way, she grabs hold of a bottle of vodka resting on a nearby table. Opening the door with her free hand, Aubrey slams it shut with a surprising amount of force. For some reason unknown to me, my feet decide to hurry after her. I follow her out, closing the door gently.

She's perched on the stairs on the huge porch, white shirt drenched enough from one side for whatever she's wearing underneath to peek out.

I clear my throat and peel my hoodie off my body and toss it so that it lands on her lap from behind her. The black shirt I'm wearing under rides up my torso a little but I quickly adjust it down.

She tilts her head up and back to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Shut up," I say in a low voice and maneuver around her.

She rolls her eyes at me before facing ahead. Sadly for her, she can't escape me just by facing forward. I squat down in front of her. I let my eyes do the talking. You should wear that to cover yourself, I try to telepathically convey.

Taking a swig from the vodka bottle, she gulps it down and meets my gaze. Good lord, such a feisty woman, this one. Her eyes have this fire roaring in them, bright orange flames crackling in the midst of pitch black. The air is knocked out of my lungs and it causes warmth to suddenly embrace me. Am I floating? Freaking hell, I think I'm floating.

Red trickles into my vision. It takes me five entire seconds to realize I'm not dreaming and that her lip is actually bleeding.

I reach my hand out, swiping at the blood with my thumb. Aubrey registers my touch, blinks twice confusedly then shoves my hand away and embarrassment washes over me completely.

And yet, I feel so high.

This isn't right.

I instantly regret choosing the eye contact over words. I rip my sight away from her black orbs. I had no clue my body could ever be so disconnected to my brain.

That definitely did not work as planned. Therefore I resort to my last option, using my tongue to converse like any normal person would do. Telepathy can go take a hike for all I care.

"Lift your arms," I let out and she shockingly does as ordered.

My brain feels.. foggy.

I help her into my hoodie and slide it over her. She fixes her hair, pulling it out from underneath the fleece of the outerwear. I get up and take a seat next to her on the stairs. Silence lingers between us.

I can't help but chuckle recalling the ludicrous situation, "Some punches you can throw, huh?"

She says nothing and takes another sip from her bottle.

I snatch it from her but take a drink from it myself. "This is some good vodka."

"That's my drink, you asshole!"

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