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I throw my backpack over one shoulder, ready to escape this prison. It surprised me when I didn't come across Aubrey the rest of the day after our interaction in the morning. She didn't even show up to her favourite class, which unfortunately for her she shares with me, and that's saying something.

Worry gnaws at me but I push it back. I'm sure she's fine. And I'm also pretty sure I'm the last person on earth she'd want to see, or even think about.

If only I could turn back time. Revisit and relish in old memories and situations that fate is bound to mess up.

Escaping reality is a myth. It's not possible. Sure, you could busy yourself with something you like or sleep on your emotions but the moment you stop doing so, or your eyes snap open, it all ends. Happiness is temporary. But the thing about it is that with the right person, five minutes are an eternity of happiness. With them, time doesn't matter. If anything, it really comes to a screeching halt so that you're able to actually feel.

I haven't felt in a bit too long for my liking.

"Hey, Morris!"

The voice sounds familiar.

I look over my shoulder to find Drake jogging over to me, "Hey, long time."

“Long time indeed, dude. Where the hell have you been?”


"So you're gonna study here now?”

"Pretty much."

“Awesome. See you around, then.” He gives my back a pat.

I give him a nod in return and make my way out towards the parking lot. Laughter and chatter resonate around the area, uncountable people in sight scattered all over. I spot two of Aubrey's friends and another girl leaning against a car making conversation.

Two beeps indicate the unlocking of my car and opening the door to the passenger seat, I place my bag inside before closing it back. I take a breath. Rub my nape. Feel a cocktail of all sorts of emotions at once: guilt, nervousness, worry.

I don't think I can go about the rest of my day without making sure Aubrey's okay. It's really eating away at me. Only I know that she isn't okay and that my presence is the exact reason to it. I'm aware of the shitty things I've done and the shitty kind of person I am, but I just can't help it. Not when it's Aubrey.

I really need to see her.

I exhale steadily. I can handle this.

God, I'm so selfish but I couldn't care less.

I take steps in Jayden and Taylor's direction, plotting all sorts of possiblities I can in my head in a short amount of time before I reach them.

"Jayden." I greet them both with a nod in their direction. "Taylor."

Taylor's eyes fall upon me and she looks like she wants to murder me. I don't blame her. The other girl just looks at me curiously.

"It's that easy for you, huh? To pick up right where you left us off, three freaking years ago?" Jayden levels me with a hard stare.

"I'm not here to chat," I say, wanting to cut straight to the point.

Jayden laughs in disbelief, muttering, "Of course you aren't."

Taylor folds her arms over her chest. "What do you want?"

"All I want to know is if you know where Aub—"

"Alright, buddy." Jayden takes a step towards me and spins me around so that I'm facing the other way, "Get lost."

"I'm serious. Where is she?" I shrug his hands off me.

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