She looked sideways and saw the same man that she almost run into. His eyes widened seeing her and lips curved up showing off his cute dimples. Anika smiled back formally.

"Hi" she heard his voice, that was to sweet to be of a man. She turned her head to his head.

"Hi, are you new here?"

"I amn't a staff" he replied.

"Oh" she nodded her head, staring back at the moving numbers.

"What about you?" He asks

"I am from designing department" she said

The lift blinked indicating the floor pressed were reached.

"Any way I am anika and it's nice to meeting you mr__" she paused a bit not knowing his name.

"Abhimanyu" he replied showing off his cute dimples again.

Anika came out of the building and it's closed.she saw him peeping through the half closed lift and cheekily smiled when she looked back at him.

"Anika____anika." She jerked back by the force as Maya stumbled on her.
"Did you heard the latest gossip of our company. There is a handsome guy came to the company" she said. Anika stared her and turned to her cabin uninterested.

Why would she be interested, when she have a handsome and hot boyfriend. What's the need of looking at other boys? Even if she likes it she don't think shivaay will leave her alone. He will kill the person she was looking. It's better to make other's safe even if risking herself.

When we have someone we think as ours to love. We tends to be possesive. We don't like to share them with anyone, even friends. Shivaay treats her as someone he loves dearly.

"I know you don't like this all, but just look at his photo" she said turning on the screen of her phone and showing it in front of her. Anika looked it curiously as to know who was that handsome man. She saw the same man she bumped on the security gate and also on the lift. He had that smile and dimples on the photo that someone taken secretly.

"Oh so you were saying about Mr.Abhimanyu " anika said nonchalantly while opening her laptop.

Maya's jaw dropped as anika casually mentioned his name. She thought anika would be in shock seeing his beauty, but here she got shock instead.

"You know him?" She said holding the phone in one hand and pointed the photo with other.

"We met at the elevator" anika said while her eyes focused on the screen of the laptop.

"You are so lucky yaar. You really got a chance to meet him" Maya said dreamily. Anika glared while her eyes darted back and forth between her screen and friend.

"If your rantings are finished  please go back to your seat" she clasped her two hands and bend her head on the blessing position

"I am going.....i am going" Maya twisted her lips going back to her seat.

In a few minutes she peeped her head back through the door.

"Now what?" Anika asked annoyed

"Do you have his number?" She asks battling her eyelids as if behaving like a cutie

Anika rushed looking around and took out a crumpled paper throwing in her direction. Maya squealed running away. Her lips curved up slightly as she turned back to her work.


It has become half past one when anika suddenly got a call from shivaay. He asked her to come to his cabin. As anika was a regular employee who interact more with shivaay behalf of her team heado one doubted her till now.

She silently walked to the elevator after rejecting going out for lunch.

She saw his secretary Vivek and greeted him. She knocked on the door and entered after hearing his response.

"Shivaaay you called?" She said sweetly.

"Yes, I want you to meet someone" he said looking at the direction of couch. Anika followed his gaze and met with a brown eyes. Her eyes widened.

"You" they chorused together

Again the same man...................
Was it a coincidence?. She has been seeing him wherever she go.

Shivaay looked on puzzled. Anika cleared her throat and walked to him.

"We met at the ground floor and also on the elevator" she said. Shivaay nodded his head patting her hand.

"He is abhimanyu, my friend and also the boss of AVK constructions" he introduced him.

"This is Anika, my girlfriend" Shivaay says. Anika narrowed her eyes as he introduced her just like that.

"Shivaay, you got a beautiful wife" abhimanyu said making the angry anika blush. She looked up through her long eyelashes at shivaay. As if sensing the gaze shivaay also looked her. Suddenly she averted her eyes looking at the beautiful flower vase beside.

"Anika" she heard shivaay's voice.

"Let's go out together for lunch" he said getting up from his chair buttoning up his coat. He placed his hand around her shoulder walking at front followed by abhimanyu.

Anika escaped out of his hold as they reached the ground floor. The two handsome men attracted most of the employees. It was like a live fashion show for them. Anika looked around as most female population has eyes on them, and she turned into a side dish.

What she feared was gossiping. It spread as fast as sneezing. But considering they are two bosses of different companies and she is a mere employee, no one will dare to target her. They will think it as some official lunch.


Atlast according to the guest's preference they reached one of the famous french restaurant. They settled around a table.

".......And shivaay rejected the girl straight away, also asked her to focus on study instead of having puppy love. I thought he turned out to be like our " abhimanyu said laughing while anika took the cue .

Anika laughed hard holding her stomach. Shivaay sat between them with a scowling face. Abhimanyu took away her attention throwing jokes since they came.

"I am sitting infront of you both atleast laugh behind me" he said clinking spoon on his plate.

"I am sorry. It's so funny to hear that you drive away someone who proposed you. You must be a heart breaker in college. Right?" She said holding on his bicep leaning her head on it. A smile threatened to fall from his lips.

"Tell me how many girls did you date in college?"

Shivaay opened his mouth then closed it. He glanced Abhimanyu and moved his eyes indicating to help him.

"Aah I wanted to ask you the same. How many guys did you date before me?" He asked back.

As though they were got together since few months they never talked about their past, dating life's etc.

The smile she had faded away instantly. Shivaay who was mischievously glancing at her saw her face turned pale.

"Anika" he held her hand. She slowly jerked her hand from his hold.

"I I need to go washroom" she said getting up from the chair walking away.

Abhimanyu and shivaay stared each other in confusion. To shivaay this reaction of her is new. The anika he saw always is strong and witt headed.

Sometimes someone's silence can be cary. It's more terrifying if the person was talkative.


I am back guys........ here is the chapter for you......

My new job took toiling all over me. I just joined in my company this month, and been trying to be get comfortable with all. It took a lot of courage for me to take a step away from my home. I was a homie since twenty years. Suddenly leaving all of them and coming to another state to survive.

I hope you all understand me ......

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