Part 6

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I am back at it again. woop woop. This one is kinda longish. enjoy


It turned out that Jin would not arrive home for some time. The hospital was very busy so the pharmacy didn't have his prescriptions ready till the evening. The day involved a lot of waiting and worrying and feeling tired.

That was something he hadn't previously considered. The medication he had been put on made him so extremely tired. He felt like he could fall asleep standing up.

He was currently stood in the waiting area with Seokjung since sitting down had made his feet start to go numb.

His brother had told him about what had happened and what had been revealed at the dorm, and honestly? Seokjin felt kind of relieved. He didn't have to drop this massive bomb on them. He could just go home and relax. 

Yeah, the members probably had lots of questions. But he could handle that- probably? They will have had lost of time to let the information sink in by the time he gets home.

He just can't wait to get into bed. And maybe eat some food. But mostly go to bed.

"Kim Seokjin?" A female voice called. His head immediately snapped up and he walked towards the pharmacist. She gave him a bag full of medication and supplies and he quietly thanked her.

Seokjung stood and stretched his arms. "Come on then, I'll drive you home." He said.

Jin yawned and nodded, very ready to go home.

He was feeling a little anxious by the time they were in the car. It was quiet, allowing Jin's thoughts to fill up his head. His shoulder was throbbing lightly because he had bashed it on the car door, not used to wearing a sling.

What if it was really awkward? They probably didn't even want to talk to him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose.

He was too tried for this. He just wanted to rest for now and he could deal with everything tomorrow.

Wow, these meds are strong.

They pulled up to the apartment building and his brother gathered Jin's stuff, not letting him carry anything but his jacket.

Jin seemed to have the worst luck in the world because the elevators were out of order so they had to walk up three flights of stairs. Seokjung got progressively more worried as they climbed more stairs. Seokjin was just trying to not collapse.

By the time they got to the top Jin was swaying on his feet. 

"Do you need a minute?" His brother asked, sounding concerned. 

"No," Jin said breathlessly, "My bed is literally so close, if I stop now I will end up falling asleep in this hallway."

His brother chuckled at this and they began walking again, albeit slower than before.

Without letting himself think too much, Jin twisted the door handle, relived to find that the door was open.

Jin and his brother stepped inside, and the first thing he saw was his family. 

He couldn't help but smile a little. It felt like so many days had passed since he last saw them but in reality, it was only yesterday. Before everything had happened.

Seokjin watched Seokjung put his stuff on the kitchen counter and when he turned back to say something to his members, he came face to face with a teary-eyed Jungkook.

Concern immediately flooded him, and placed his jacket aside quickly so he could put his hand on Jungkook's arm. His eyes flicked to the other members briefly but no one said a thing. Not one sound, until,

Take Care of Me (Kim Seokjin) COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin