Part 7

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Do I have a life, I hear you ask? No! Course I don't, I write fanfiction and ignore the outside world.

This one is short and sweet.


Yoongi thinks that was the most difficult thing he has ever had to sit through in his life.

He would take a million of Namjoon's pre-concert sappy motivational speeches over that.

He had layed with Seokjin for a while after he had helped him into bed. The man was half asleep the entire time he told Yoongi what happened. He still managed to find the perfect way to comfort him, though. 

He scoffed and shook his head.

I should be the one comforting him, Yoongi thought bitterly as he walked back into the living room.

The members were all waiting. 

"How is he?" Jungkook was the first to ask, causing everyone else to perk up and pay attention.

"He's sleeping now," Yoongi said as he took a seat next to Jimin on the sofa, "He told me everything that happened. He was falling asleep on my shoulder the entire time." He shook his head fondly.

The boys nodded at his statement. 

"Are you going to tell us? What happened?" Taehyung questioned quietly. There was no push behind his voice, just genuine concern for his hyung.

Yoongi looked around at his members and back towards Jin's door. He doubted Jin would want to go through that entire conversation ever again. He could tell how difficult it was for his hyung to be so vulnerable in front of him. He decided to give the members the rundown of the situation, leaving out the details.

"Hyung said that from the very beginning Mr Choi would ask him to stay behind and he would push him around and rough him up. Seokjin didn't think it was a big deal, but as time went on he became more aggressive and manipulative and started to hurt Jin-hyung more, while twisting his mind to make him think that he deserved it. I Mr Choi finally lost his grip on sanity yesterday because he had never hurt hyung so severely before." He took a breath and steadied himself for what he was about to say. "He whipped him with a belt. I saw his back, it's... yeah, it's bad. He hurt him badly. Hyung said that's when he finally realized he needed help, so he went to his brother's house and apparently scared him because of all the- all the blood."

He couldn't quite manage to keep a neutral face when looking around at his members. Hobi was looking down at the floor nodding, taking the information in. Yoongi could tell he was trying his best to not get visibly upset by everything. Jimin and Taehyung were sat side by side on the floor, their backs resting against one of the sofas. They both looked so incredibly sad. It hurt Yoongi's heart. Namjoon had his head in his hands. Yoongi knew that he took his role as the leader of BTS seriously, so he knew Namjoon was beating himself up about not seeing the signs. Hell, Yoongi was doing the same. They felt responsible for allowing things to progress this far.

And Jungkook. He had tears dripping off of his chin. His eyes were glued to the ceiling in an effort to stop them from falling but it was no use. Everyone knew that Jungkook absolutely idolized Jin-hyung. He was like a superhero to Jungkook. Jin practically raised him. Yoongi couldn't imagine what he was feeling right now. To see someone you thought was invincible be hurt so badly? It hurt. 

"What do we do, guys?" Hobi asked quietly. "How can we possibly help him though something this big?"

Taehyung sat up straighter and said, "Before Seokjung-ssi left he told me how to change Jin-hyung's bandages and dressings. Do you think he would let us help him do that?"

"He let me help him get changed, I don't see why not." Yoongi said. "Actually, maybe not straight away... he might nee some time. I think he still wants to protect us from it all."

Jimin sighed a frustrated sigh. "Why does he always try and protect us so much. We are adults, he doesn't need to baby us. We can handle it." Jimin said, a hint of annoyance present in his voice.

"We'll always be his little brothers in his eyes." Namjoon said with a fond, sad smile. Jimin nodded in agreement but still seemed agitated. Taehyung put his arm around him.

"Whatever happens," Jungkook said, "We need to look after him. He's really not going to like it, and he will probably try to push everyone away and deal with it himself. He has this stupid idea that because he is the oldest he has to do everything by himself- look after everyone but himself." He sighed. 

"I think that might be because of Mr Choi." Yoongi added quietly. "Hyung didn't say anything specific but he did say that Mr Choi would blame things on him and break him down by saying horrible things to him."

Namjoon stood up and walked to the kitchen at this point. The boys could understand needing to remove yourself from the situation for a moment. They were all feeling angry and guilty. Angry at themselves- angry at Mr Choi.

Yoongi swears if he ever sees that man ever again he would probably knock his teeth out. And then he would give him to Jungkook. There would be nothing left of him by the time the younger would be satisfied.

"Whatever it takes, we will be there for him. And for each other." Taehyung said, confidence filling his voice.

Yoongi nodded along with the other boys. They would look after their hyung so damn hard, he would recover as quick as lightning.

They all cared about their hyung so much and it's about time that he knows it.

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