Natalie Portman

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Y/N finally had a weekend to himself again after doing interviews and all other sorts of promotional work for anything he was involved in lately

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Y/N finally had a weekend to himself again after doing interviews and all other sorts of promotional work for anything he was involved in lately. He loved his job, no doubt, but the business surrounding it could be a bit much when it piled up. He took a relaxed breath and sat down in the living room, flipping from one channel to another as he was looking for something to watch. Something easy going to keep him out of his work mindset. Camilla invited him to a concert next month when her next tour would start and she promised it would be worth it, sending a wink emoji at the end of her message. Truth be told, Y/N has actually never been to her concerts before, so he definitly looked forward to what she could bring to the table.
That wasn't the only surprise though as someone was at the front door, knocking loudly.

Y/N:" A visitor? I didn't expect anyone today."

Curious to see who was there to visit him, Y/N got up and walked to the front door, opening it to see a woman he never thought he'd even get close to: Natalie Portman.

Curious to see who was there to visit him, Y/N got up and walked to the front door, opening it to see a woman he never thought he'd even get close to: Natalie Portman

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Natalie:" Hey."

Y/N:" Natalie Portman. To what do I owe this surprise?"

Natalie:" I'm in town for vacation to be honest. I called my manager to get your adress and I thought we could hang out."

Y/N:" Not that I mind, but this is pretty sudden. I'm only in a tank top and shorts."

Upon hearing that, Natalie actually noticed Y/N's outfit and he was right. He really just put on something comfortable without considering someone coming over. It took Natalie a little while to pry her eyes off his body before the conversation could continue.

Natalie:" My bad on that, Y/N. I can leave, if you like."

Y/N:" Nah, it's fine. Come in."

Smiling softly, Natalie walked past the tall man and followed him to the living room. They sat down next to each other and started off easy, talking about how life was going, how work was treating them and so on. It was pretty cool for Y/N zo be able to talk to Natalie that easily without feeling nervous or uncomfortable. She was chill and very open about telling stories about stuff she has witnessed and has been through. From embarrassing parties to bloopers on set and so much more, the two laughed a lot and relaxed into everything.

The Next Step (Celebs X Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora