Running Late.. Or going dead?

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The previous day had passed calm enough to my surprise. Chara didn't do anything much except for eating chocolate and playing my PS, and I was grateful she didn't decide to tease or mock me, even if it was intended to be a joke.

I wanted to spend my time alone.

And so I did. It was about 9 PM when I fell asleep, and Chara was still down there playing games.

My Uncle went out of town for a whole week and it's just me in the house again.

Well, not just me.

There's also a demon.

When I slept, I was reliving the same moment that is probably locked in my mind..

The crash, and the murder.

This time though, I instantly jumped out of bed and gasped.

It was a thunderstorm outside, if I could say..

And the thunder likely was loud enough to wake me up.

I placed my hand over my chest, hyperventilating. Chara was near, sleeping on the chair.. and woke up right after me.

"Are you alright?" She asked, rushing to my bed.

"I.. Am." I said in a broken tone.

"Just the nightmares again.. And that goddamn thunder." I looked out of the window, and she smirked.

"Afraid of it?"

"No, it was just.. Loud." I grabbed my forehead, wincing.

"And gave me a headache apparently."

"Do you need anything?" A next question followed. Her voice was weirdly soft.

"I don't think so.. I'll just try to fall back asleep. School's Tomorrow, y'know." I sighed and fell down onto my pillow, closing my eyes.

Minutes passed and I still didn't get to fall asleep. I frowned and opened my eyes, gazing into the ceiling.

"What are you looking at?"

"The ceiling."

"Anything interesting so far?" She joked, and I smirked quietly.



"Nope." I answered and snickered, while Chara groaned.


"Trying to fit your standards."

She snickered at that and nudged me, while I closed my eyes.

"I am going to grab something to chew."

"At 2 AM?"


"You may stay up if you do that." I shrugged and tried to fall asleep once more.

"Don't teach me!"

"Oh I never did."

I heard her footsteps distancing, and the rain beat on the roof, creating some kind of semi-real, mystical melody, incomprehensible to human ears. Even at night, nature surprises with its beauty.




So calm and bewitchingly..

"GAH!" I heard a loud scream come from the kitchen, and pulled myself up in a matter of seconds.

I rushed out of the room and up there to see what's happening.

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