(Un)Pleasant Talk

537 19 12

I woke up and opened my eyes, stretching myself with a lazy yawn.

"Good morning!~" I singed, rubbing one of my eyes.

Nothing came in response.

"Good morning?.." I repeated, looking down at the bedroll.

And, to my surprise, [Y/n] wasn't there. I stood up, taking on my stuff.

"Where the hell did he go?.." I asked myself, running my fingers through my hair and walking up towards the nightstand.

After I looked at the phone, I realized why [Y/n] is not there. It was almost midday..

"..How did I even manage to sleep that much?"

Perhaps It's because of that I woke up in the middle of the night?..

I groaned and made my way towards the kitchen, perhaps [Y/n] made a breakfast and I could get a bite of-

I noticed a note on the table.

Hey there, sleepy head!

I made you some pancakes, they're in the fridge.

I have some things to do, will return in a few hours.

Don't do anything stupid!



..Left to do something?

And what could it be?

While my suspicion grew, I went over to the fridge and grabbed the pancakes he left, dropping them onto the table with the chocolate syrup.

After I quickly finished my meal, I placed the dish into the dishwasher and went over to the sofa with a note in my hands.

"Left to do what exactly.?" I rubbed my chin, trying to guess.

Maybe he went out for a walk?

Well, he would've left a different note or just awaited for me to wake up for us to go together.

Then, maybe he went to the hospital?

.. That's a no too. Why would he all out of a sudden? It's not like he had recovered that quick, so it doesn't make sense.

Perhaps he could've went out to visit Frisk..

..And that's the only reason I could find fitting in this case.

Well, why not just ask him instead?

He'll be back soon anyways.

Around a hour later

As soon as I heard the door open, I walked down from the PS, leaving the game on pause. I expected [Y/n] to be in his usual clothing, but instead..

..He wore a suit?

Well, not a whole suit.. He didn't have the jacket.

But still, why the hell was he wearing a suit?!

"Hello there, Princess!" He said, waving over to me.

"Good day." I responded, squinting my eyes.

"Is everything alright?" He looked at me with confusion. "Your voice-"

"Where have you been?" I asked, trying my best to hide the general envy and curiosity I was experiencing.

"Is it that important?" He replied with a question, as I saw his face turning sad a bit.

"Where have you been?" I repeated.

"It's not that im-"

"YES IT IS!" I turned to yelling.

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