"Allow me to join you" i nodded as we walked toward Kate and the others. Glancing back for a moment i saw the Bridgerton boys...they are never in the same place at the same time at least not out and about...what are they up to? i thought to myself and they smiled at me before i glared at them and continued walking with Mr. Dorset. "I'll be right back" Mr. Dorset said walking away i waited for a moment before he returned with something behind his back "Here you are" Mr. Dorset said giving me some lavender flowers. I jumped back for a moment before taking it "thank you they are so lovely shall we join the other i don't want them to worry"

"Yes, of course ladies first" he said we headed towards everyone else i sat down by Lord T and Mr. Dorset sat next to me.

"Mr. Dorset, you travel widely, then? And continuously, it seems"

"Well, for my studies I find medicine particularly fascinating" he replied smiling at me "The helping of others is a noble interest, indeed. Mr. Dorset is much like you in that regard, Lady Blackwood" Edwina said and i smiled at her she was trying and i can see that it was adorable "Edwina, have you spoken to Lord Lumley about his interests at all?" i replied "Lord Bridgerton" Lord Lumley proclaimed loudly standing up "Lady Blackwood...Miss Sharma...Miss Edwina... Lumley" Ew just Ew i thought rolling my eyes pressing my lips together and coughing a little Mr. Dorset looked over at me "are you already?"

"Yes" I replied smiling over at him before facing forward Lord Bridgerton looked at me then my hands then back at me before looking over at Edwina while she spoke "how delightful to see you, my lord"

"Lord Bridgerton, allow me to introduce myself. Mr. Thomas Dorset." I smiled up at Mr. Dorset he is kinda cute "Miss Edwina, I was hoping to call on you this morning"

"Edwina is well aware of everything-" i started "but promised my family to join them for breakfast we are exceptionally close and break our fasts together regularly. Oh. There they all are now" he said and i looked over at them laughing turning back around to Anthony I scuffed who is he trying to fool "One can tell a great deal about a man from his family, I rather think" Edwina said looking over at Kate and me.

"Yes, there are many excellent, affectionate families of the ton. Are there not?" I said looking over at Lord Lumley "Though none quite as inviting as the Bridgertons you know that Lady Blackwood i heard the Blackwoods and the Bridgertons were quite close... my mother's been wanting to enjoy another tea at Bridgerton House for some time" Lord Lumley said he is not helping at all "Well, we must gratify your wish, Lumley speaking of refreshments, I could not help but notice the ladies are without"

"We are content, thank you" Kate said and i started coughing again she looked over at me and i mouthed a 'sorry'

"It is an unseasonably hot day, and any gentleman would make sure-" Lord Bridgerton said and Lumley stood up falling for his trap only thing i could do was shake my head "Miss Edwina, allow me to fetch a lemonade for you" he said "Oh, that would be most agreeable thank you, my lord" she said and he walked off "Excuse me" Bridgerton said as he walked over to us and sat between Edwina and me. "It is a splendid day for a race" he said and just the sound of his voice makes me upset.

Coughing again Bridgerton looked over at me and then back at my lap "why do you keep doing that?" i whispered to him and he grabbed my flowers before i could protest and threw them before anyone could see. I looked at him in shock before looking around Edwina and Kate was talking and Mr. Duset was talking to the man beside him "why would you do that?" i whispered yelling at him. "Why would you keep lavender or even accept them when you know they make you terribly ill"

"Because they were giving to me"

"That's a stupid answer"

"What's stupid is you bringing everyone here and trying to tug on Edwina heart strings"

The Duchess | Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now