Chapter Eleven

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Kris and Ralsei sat there for about an hour. Kris complained of a headache, but Ralsei informed him that it was normal. Kris put his shoes on.

"You might want to stay home." Ralsei told Kris.

Kris was against the idea of being parted from Ralsei for the first time in the past two years, even if he wasn't awake for it.

"I want to go with you, though." Kris said.

"I don't think that's a very good idea, sorry... Besides, I would like to pick out your clothes."

"... How does adding some of your soul to mine give me horns?"

"Well, your soul IS (as you put it) the very culmination of your being. Adding or removing parts would definitely change your appearance. I'm surprised you were even able to take from me. (Though, I knew a donation was theoretically possible, I didn't know if we were compatible at all, though I suppose you could have just done it by sheer will alone and if so, how powerful are you?)" Ralsei looked at Kris. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to ramble on like that."

"What would happen if you fully absorbed my soul?"

"Well, first off, you'd die. Instantly, so that's never happening, and it would probably start a war as well."

"A... War?"

"Have you not been keeping up with the news? Oh right... You were in a coma... Well... Humans are concerned that monsters may begin to try to start attacking them to take their souls. This all started when a monster visited a human on their deathbed and accidentally absorbed their soul instead of letting it onto some sort of afterlife (which was one of the arguments on the human side), though there is no such thing. The monster was brutally beaten to death afterwards as a warning, (and nobody was punished for the murder of the innocent monster). We don't really have as many human rights as you might think." Ralsei said.

"That's terrible."

"It is. Since then, (it's been about a year now) everything has settled down, and there is no real threat yet, but if anything goes wrong, we always have an escape option."

"Alright, well..."

"Also, did you know that over 80% of monster population was here in North America?"

"...huh." Kris felt a stinging sensation that seemed to be all over his skull. The pain hit him like a bus. "gOD DAMN IT THIS FUCKING HURTS!"

"Honey, you don't need to swear. You will accomplish nothing by doing so... Here, let me see if I can..." Ralsei out his hands on Kris's head, and used healing magic to ease his pain.

Kris felt a little better.

"Now, I can't do this forever, it's going to hurt a lot when I'm gone, and, as you can probably remember, it takes a lot of energy to do, so even if you did come with, it's not going to help you much, and it'll just make me too tired to do anything when they actually grow in." Ralsei said. "And judging by how hard it is to make the pain go away, your horns are going to be at least a little bigger than mine. I felt the same thing you are feeling right now when mine grew in... And I didn't have magic to help me... Also, just as a heads up, do not try to break them or pull them off or anything like that, because you will feel it, and it will hurt, and they won't come off."

"Is there anything else i should-" Kris accidentally moved his head slightly. "OWW!"

"Hold still, you will still have to endure an hour or two of this and-"

Asriel knocked on the door.

"Kris, please don't hate me for this..."

"What could I possibly hate you for?-"

Moving On - A Kris X Ralsei StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ