Chapter Two

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Kris woke up, beside Ralsei, who appeared to be sleeping still.

Ralsei kept the blanket warm, and his fur was very soft and well groomed. He was genuinely adorable in this moment.

He looked to be having a bad dream, though, so Kris had to wake and comfort him.

Kris calmly said his name. "Ralsei... It's just a dream. Wake up..." no response. "You're having a nightmare."

Kris took Ralsei's hand, and held it tightly. He waited patiently.

Ralsei sat up quickly with sharp breaths.

"Are you okay?" Kris asked, startling Ralsei.

Ralsei noticed his hand was being held by Kris.

"Yeah... Just... A bad dream." Ralsei sat beside Kris and reached for his glasses on the table. He put them on and blinked twice.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kris asked.

Ralsei let go of Kris's hand. "I don't remember much of it..." He said. "Besides, I already feel better, thanks to you."

Ralsei folded his arms. "Why are you awake?"

Kris answered honestly. "I am a light sleeper. It doesn't take a lot to wake me."

"Must be awful." Ralsei answered.

"Actually, it's not a bad thing, Though, it does get annoying."

"What woke you up this time?"

"It's hard to say, but I likely felt you moving."

"Hey, Kris... What did you dream about?"

Kris blushed. "that's not important." He said.

"Please? I want to hear it." Ralsei pleaded.

"I'd rather not share this dream." Kris said.

"Fine..." Ralsei said.

They sat in silence for a bit.

Kris looked at Ralsei. "I dreamt of you." He said.

Ralsei scooted closer.

"I don't remember my dream, though... Do you at least remember yours?" Ralsei's smile faded when he started remembering his dream.

"... I had a nightmare, of you, Kris. In it, you were hurt and refused to let me heal you..." Ralsei began to tear up. "You said you'd be fine. You told me not to worry, but I couldn't help it. Y-you-"

Kris kissed Ralsei's cheek, making him blush. "I would never do that... Well, actually may..." Kris stopped for a second. "Not with you around, though!"

Ralsei gave Kris a look of concern. "I'd only do it if I had to."

Ralsei sighed and moved Kris's hair out of his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Kris asked in a playful tone, as Ralsei out his hand over Kris's left cheek

They both blushed extremely hard as Ralsei kissed his right cheek. Kris was very red.

"If you are ever hurting, tell me." Ralsei said. "I expect nothing less."

Kris sighed. "... Alright, I promise."

"I... Am very glad that worked." Ralsei admitted.

Kris fished out a rubber band from his pocket. He pulled back his hair.

"What did you do that for?" Ralsei asked.

"It's so my hair doesn't cover my eyes." He replied.

"It looks... Nice." ralsei commented.

Moving On - A Kris X Ralsei StoryWhere stories live. Discover now