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Snickerdoodle sat beside Scott the two bored out of their minds, It had been a couple years since they had gotten married and through this time, Snickers had gotten pregnant as did Carol. Snickerdoodle was due any day now but now she was just exhausted from running back and forth around the workshop, and Scott was tired of the nagging from Carol and the elves about Snickers absence. Snickerdoodle had a large platter of chocolate seated on her baby bump as she watched the tv that Scott had given to her. "You know, Your baby could be the next Santa" Scott teased. "Please wouldn't that be your baby?" She asked. "Technically it would be you, My eldest child takes over right? That's you you! Next would be Charlie, then your baby would be next, and if your baby has kids then it be that kid, but if my kid had kids then my kid would take over." Scott ranted to her as she rolled her eyes stuffing a chocolate into Scott's mouth "Hush old man." Due to the way elves grew, the baby came faster then a human baby would.

The elf baby only needed few months to grow to the size of an eight month old, and if took an even shorter amount of time for elf babies to grow. Snickerdoodle had given birth a few days after the anniversary of the weddings. Bernard and Snickerdoodle had been busy for a week trying to name their baby boy.

Scott denied Buddy since he wanted to name his kid that, Then Bernard denied Noelle as the previous Santa was named that, Carol denied Charlie, Judy even had a say and she denied Rudolph, Snickers denied Jack, Kevin, Ralphie. Everyone has having a hard time naming Bernard and Snickers elf baby. Snickerdoodle was sitting in the snow with the baby tat was eating the white substance off the ground, the two were watching the elves work since Snickers couldn't get back into the workshop. "How about you name him Cindy? Or Martha?" Curtis suggested walking down the steps. "Really?" His older sister narrowed her eyes at him, the baby boy still feeding himself snow. Thinking she looked up at the stars and gasped. "That's it!" She picked up the baby and ran up the steps. Searching for Bernard she quickly met up with him as he looked shocked at her speed. "Careful! Did you figure out a name yet?" He asked as he nodded. "How about Bailey Tim Krumzholtz?" She suggested. "Where on earth did you get such a beautiful name like that?" He asked taking the blabbering baby from her bouncing him lightly. "Well! You remember our old friend George Bailey? I thought we could name part of our son after him, and that famous actor Tim Allen who strangely looks like my dad?" She smiled as Bernard laughed.

"Why not just name him Bailey Scott Krumzholtz?" He suggested making his wife gasp. "That's perfect! Our little Bailey is going to be the best elf there ever was" She smiled. And just like that, Snickers and Bernard had a baby boy named Bailey, Scott having his first grandchild. Scott spent a lot of time with the baby wanting to make sure he had a bit of practice before his baby came. Carol also tended to have the baby, the adults in love with the cubby cheeked boy, he had dark brown curls and ice blue eyes. One of the cutest and only elf babies Carol had ever seen.

Bailey was now a few months old, Carol pushing eight months pregnant. Scott was struggling managing his Santa life and his family life, and Bernard stepped down as head elf just for a while to help take care of the baby, Snickerdoodle and Curtis filling in, the two both running the position. And just as if it felt like the worst time ever, Jack Frost wanted to get everyone's tinsel in a twist and cause problems...

(This is a short chapter only because this is the lead up to the next movie, this basically explains why Bernard won't be mentioned as much, Why Curtis and Snickers have more authority over the younger elves, this also introduces our new character Bailey! The three month old son of Bernard and Snickers. Now I didn't go into full detail of how... it worked nor do I plan on it, however just for those who are upset by this there will be another child added later on. Like how Scott and Carol had Buddy and Sandra, Bernard and Snickers will also have another kid and if you'd like leave name suggestions! Love ya! 💋💋 Anyways! The baby will likely be named off more Christmas characters much like Bailey was! So stay tuned for it!)

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