Laura and Neil

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Snickerdoodle p.o.v

Groaning I fanned my face trying to cool myself down, the human heat was different than the pole "Laura your house is like a hot spring! If I wanted to burn alive I'd go see the HeatMiser" I grumbled, opening her freezer I sighed in relief the cold air hitting my face. "Mom I'm home!" I heard Charlie shout.

Glancing at the doorway Charlie stopped dead in his tracks dropping his bag on the ground. "Snickerdoodle?" He asked as I smiled. "Charlie!" I exclaimed pulling him into a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages- You jerk!" He exclaimed slapping my arm lightly. "Ow!" I lightly glared. Laura came in with a smile and looked at us. "Maybe you two should have a day together, like a sibling day!" Laura suggested. "But we're not siblings?" I said. "Please, Scott looks at you like you're his daughter, he loves you Sandra- I mean Snickers" She said quickly. Laura just learned my name was Snickerdoodle but she was used to calling me Sandra. "It's alright, you can call me Sandra" I assured her. "A technical sibling day could be fun, we could give you a human make over" Charlie grinned.

"Charlie, she's not getting any tattoos or piercings" Laura pointed, "Don't worry, don't worry. I'm not that reckless. Snickers can you drive?" He asked as I turned to him. "I drove the sleigh." I shrugged as he sighed. "Bye mom, I'm taking the car!" Charlie shouted pulling me out to the car. I got in as he got into the chair behind the wheel.

I smelt the leather aroma and the sour smell of something else I couldn't place. Charlie rolled down the glass and glanced at me. "Sorry about the smell, My friend smoked blunt in here" Charlie explained. "A blunt?" I asked. "Drugs" He explained as I nodded in understanding.

Charlie drove us to a big building that looked like the workshop. "What is this?" I asked as we got out of the car walking to the building "It's called a Mall, It's like the workshop" Charlie said practically reading my mind. "Cool.." I mumbled as we walked in. Looking around the smell of fresh food and cleaner hit my nose making me gag.

"Have you ever been on a skateboard? Roller skates? Anything?" Charlie asked as I shook my head. "I've made them but never used them before. "Well I'm gonna get you a skateboard, what you like girly pink shit?" Charlie asked as I gasped "Charlie! You can't say stuff like that!" I defended as he pulled me into a shop. "So?" He smirked as I glared lightly, he showed me that skinny boards. Glancing at the designs he held up a candy cane design.

"What exactly do you do with these?" I asked holding the nostalgic design, "You ride on it" Charlie said bringing up the price of wood with wheels. Giving the man at the counter the green currency Charlie unwrapped the board for me placing it on the ground. "Stand on it, two feet" he said as I did as he instructed. Standing on it I wobbled, Charlie grabbing my hands "You've got it" He encouraged me. "What do I do?" I asked, he slowly moved me and the board from side to side "What if I fall?" I asked gripping his hands tighter. "Well then I guess you'll fall" Charlie said before pulling me and the board out helping me lean so the board would turn.

"Mr. Calvin. Who's this? Your girlfriend?" I heard a mean voice say. "Hi Ms. Newman" Charlie groaned "This is my sister Sandra" Charlie said as I waved. "Well Ms. Calvin, Why don't you attend school?" She asked me as I narrowed my eyes. "I do attend school, I just don't go to school here- I live with Scott" I said as she nodded. "No wonder I never hear of you, you're just as absent as Scott. Well Charlie I'm waiting to see you at community service" She said before walking off. "Who was that?" I asked.

"My principal, I swear she has it out for me" Charlie whined as I got off the board picking it up "Where do you want to go now?" I asked him as he looked around. "Hm. What if we got your ears pierced?" He asked as I raised an eyebrow "Laura said no piercings" I reminded him "Do you have a stick up your ass or something? You've lived for what like 1,000 years? And you've never lived even a little bit? Never bent the rules?" He asked "1,400" I mumbled as he elbowed me lightly "Come on" He said pulling me behind him.

No one's p.o.v

Scott paced back and forth his beard almost shaved down to a scruff "You let the kids go out by themselves?" Scott asks "I trust Charlie, they're fine" Laura said "Just take some deep breaths Scott" Neil said "Yeah Uncle Scott!" Lucy smiled as Scott sighed sitting down punching the bridge of his rosey nose. Hearing the car enter the driveway and the doors close Scott and Laura stood up nervously, Charlie entered the house with some McDonalds in hand looking at his mother and father "Brought you food?" Charlie said walking to the kitchen as Snickerdoodle entered behind him.

"Holy stockings" Scott said fainting at the sight of his elf/daughter's appearance. "What?" She asked. Laura and Neil moved Scott to the couch as Snickerdoodle and Charlie leaned over to look at him while they munched on French fries. "Charlie we said no piercings!" Laura said the two kids looking at each other then Laura. "Snickerdoodle wanted to live a little!" Charlie defended "Technically she's a grown woman able to make her own choices" Charlie added as Snickerdoodle nodded. "Plus it was only these" Snickerdoodle said spinning the little pearls that stuck out of her ears.

"Well then what about you Charlie?" Neil asked pointing to his lip piercing "Late Christmas gift from Snickers?"  Charlie laughed a bit, Not only were Snicker's ears pierced, she also had her nails painted, and some winter clothes that Charlie bought her. Poking Scott with her French fry snickerdoodle thought that Santa died again "Charlie you should be Santa if Scott dies" She said as Laura lightly slapped her "That would be great but Scott's not dead so let's not talk like that" Laura said as Snickerdoodle glanced at Scott's magic watch and frowned. It's was teetering down, he must've used some magic today.

Snickerdoodle could only hope things were fine up at the pole, biting at her nails in worry and wondered if Bernard and Curtis were okay.

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