Chapter 21

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John hurried home, quickly jotting notes down into his phone. He didn't dare write anything in front of Sarah; she couldn't know he was on to her. The only downside to this however, was that he had to take frequent 'bathroom breaks' or risk forgetting some of his observations. At least it was getting written down. 

Today wasn't very eventful other than Sarah having met up with Mr. Carter at the counter. He never bought anything, but did 'trade in' a 'bad pack of chicken legs'. The only problem was that he'd never given her any sort of chicken. What actually ended up exchanging hands was a little wood box. John had never gotten a good look at it, and sadly missed his opportunity to take a picture. 

Puzzled, John jotted down a few other notes, while trying to figure out the box's purpose and why it was exchanged using a cover up of 'bad meat'. The walk from work to home was pretty long, but John didn't mind much, it just gave him more time to think. Fiddling with his keys as he walked, John continued listing off what could possibly have been the purpose of the box. Why was Mr. Carter involved now? How would John possibly be able to keep tabs on them both now? 

Upon arrival at home, John unlocked the door and went straight to the garage. When John flipped on the lights, John was startled to see Jack sitting on the couch eating popcorn.

"Jack! God, you scared me! What the heck are you doing here?" John exclaimed, descending the steps onto the concrete floor of the garage.

Jack looked up from his phone, still munching on his popcorn and shrugged.

"Wait, why were you in here without the lights on?" John asked, taking a handful of popcorn for himself.

"I dunno, I got bored so I came over. I had a headache so I left the lights off," Jack explained, laying back onto the couch.

"Well how'd you even get in here? I was at work," John inquired.

"Your mom let me in. Said it was fine if I hung out a while since you'd be back soon. Plus you know how much your mom loves me," Jack laughed, giving John a goofy wink.

John rolled his eyes and began pulling out the corkboard he kept behind the couch. "Yeah yeah, well I have work to do. You can stay if you're quiet. I guess." John grunted annoyed. 

"Aw, working again? I thought you just got home!" Jack whined, slouching down into the worn cushions of the couch. "You're always working now."

"Blah blah blah, mi mi mi," John mocked, "You know I started working yesterday, right? It's been two days, you baby."

Jack laughed sitting back up. "Okay okay, I get it your soo mature now. So what are you working on?" Jack asked, leaning forward in interest.

John stood in front of his corkboard, hands on hips. His eyes followed the long pieces of red yarn that connected photos and sticky notes and other assorted items pinned to the board with color coded thumb tacks. "I'm figuring out what's up with Sarah today."

"Ahhh, mhm, okay. So, how are you gonna do that exactly?" Jack asked, trying to pretend he knew what was going on.

John grabbed a sheet of paper out of his backpack, and began to sketch what little of the box he'd seen to pin up. "She took a box from Mr. Carter today. But instead of just him giving her the box, he pretended it was chicken," John explained.

Jack was quiet a moment, peering over John's shoulder at the drawing he was making. "Uh-huh... So uh, can you explain that a little better?" Jack quavered. Even though he was a little confused, he was doing his best to help.

"Mr. Carter," John began, jokingly condescending Jack.

"Yeah huh," Jack replied, equally as joking.

"Brought in a box."

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