Chapter 16

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Bored, Charlie reviewed her notes once again. Idle and bored, she'd been standing outside Boys & Grills for nearly fifteen minutes. Bob never showed up until two to five minutes before opening, and if you were lucky he'd maybe show up ten minutes prior. Charlie often showed up 30 minutes early just because she was so used to being early to everything else, but waiting around was a little annoying. 

She pulled her red coat tighter around her shoulders, going back over how she'd ask Bob. She needed to be subtle with John around, but then again she needed to be subtle anyway. John was an outlier in the equation, but he wouldn't be too hard to factor out. For now, Charlie just waited for her manager to arrive.

Upon his arrival, Bob waved friendlily to his coworker. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door for her, whistling all the while. "Good mornin' Sarah!"

"Good morning Bob," she replied flatly.

Bob held the door open for her and followed Sarah inside. "Sorry yesterday got so busy. I don't think ya ever got to ask your question," he informed her.

Sarah smiled, glad he'd remembered. "No, I didn't. I tried calling last night, but you never answered."

Bob chuckled and replied apologetically, "Yeah that's on me. I shut my phone off durin' work and forgot to turn it back on. Hey, while I'm thinkin' of it, I needa get your number so I can get a hold of ya if I need to."

Sarah started to say something but was cut off by John coming in for his first day. Bob smiled and welcomed him in. Sarah sighed, "I'll ask you at lunch today. Get him situated." Internally, Charlie was screaming at herself. If you let him go, you'll never get to talk to him! Charlie ignored the thought however, as if pretending she didn't actually want to talk to Bob would trick the universe into keeping him taskless.

She watched as Bob toured the place with John, the same as he'd done when Sarah had landed her job at the little butcher shop. Intently, she observed how John moved, how he acted, how he talked, even down to the way he tied his apron, with the idea she'd write it down later. She couldn't just take notes in the open anymore, John was too smart for that. While Bob was social and always searching for good intentions, John was suspicious and vigilant just like Charlie. It was sickening having to deal with the curly haired blond, but it was necessary for the plan to work. The others needed it to, and for God's sake she'd already taken long enough.

Halfway until lunch, John approached Sarah during a lull in patronage. Sarah looked at the teen, but with the height difference she was forced to look down slightly. Sarah wasn't exactly a tall woman, but towered over the pre-growth spurt John. "May I help you?" she asked, trying not to sound annoyed.

"You're Sarah right?" he asked with an arched brow.

"I am Sarah. Is that what you needed?" Sarah answered, turning to face him with her arms crossed.

"I was just wondering. Bob talks about you. A lot actually," John said. He had a look on his face like he was trying to connect dots in some unknown mystery. That mystery most likely being Sarah. "So, you weren't a regular before asking for a job. From what I can tell, you just kinda showed up and asked for one. Why?"

Charlie thought about it a moment. The others had prepared her for a lot of questions, but none of the answers had planned for John's red string loving, mystery solving, plan meddling self. The question had a planned answer sure, but not one that pertained to this context. Charlie saw him notice she'd hesitated before answering, so she quickly formulated something. "Well, a friend of mine said Boys & Grills served good food, and wanted me to get a job for free meals. I said no to free food, but since I needed a job and he suggested it was a good place to try, I came to check it out. I liked the place, so I went home and called in for a position." she replied, making up a story on the fly.

John nodded slowly, making the same face Charlie did when trying to retain information. "Why didn't you try the food before applying? Wouldn't you at least want to make sure you liked the food before you started working there?"

"If working at McDonalds was the only job open but you hated the food, would you turn down the offer?" Sarah countered.

"Touché," John muttered, trying to think of a new question. 

Sarah scanned the room, looking for a way out of the interigation. She spotted one of the tables had been vacated by the people who'd been eating at it. Perfect. "Oh, bus boy," she taunted, "Looks like there's a table in need of wiping down."

John gave her a look, before stepping away to clean it off. 

The rest of the shift before lunch went smoothly, and Sarah had even convinced Bob to take lunch a little early with her to ask her question. When it was time to go on their break, she pulled Bob into a little alcove of the stock room, away from the little table and uncomfortable chairs. 

Bob removed his hat and fixed his hair as he asked, "So what was it ya needed to ask me, Sarah?"

Sarah started to present the question, but stopped to lock the door. Just in case John or Corey or the bakery next door decided to come distract him. She then proceeded, "So, me and a couple friends are in a group who seeks out people of significant talent." Sarah was sure to be slow and very careful with her words, as one simple phrasing could make or break the deal. "We took into consideration how impressively you preformed at the Evermore Haunted Mansion, and we wanted to know if you'd like to join."

"Well," Bob began, "Before I trade my soul to the devil or somethin', what's this little group all about?"

"Its a group of talented individuals, each with respect to their own art. Being in the group can lend yourself to extra little money making opportunities." Sarah explained, "It'd be a commitment, but wouldn't take up too much time. We meet on Saturdays all together, but sometimes you may get called in if they find something you'd be good at."

"But what talents are they lookin' for? And what are the opportunities?" Bob asked. 

Sarah was getting worried he may be suspicious. This was the most questions he'd ever asked her about something. "For you, your skills in acting and intimidation would do you well. It could maybe get you a paid acting gig or two. It's all very simple really."

Bob thought over it a moment. He smiled, but not in his normal, happy and agreeable way. He almost looked guilty. "Normally, I'd say I'd love to, but with all the changes I've been makin' to Boys & Grills, I dunno if I'd be able to. Like I said, normally I'd say yes and I'm flattered ya considered me, but I think I may hafta say no just for this once. I'm real sorry Sarah, please do let your friends know I'm honored to be deemed that talented. I think I'm gonna be puttin' a lot more work into the place soon, so I'll need all the time I can get. Again, I'm real sorry," Bob chuckled nervously. He really did seem like he felt bad about saying no.

Unfortunately, 'no' was the wrong answer.

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