Chapter 3

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Bob flinched slightly as a little spatter of grease popped up off the grill and burned his hand. He grabbed a rag wiping away the bubbling grease, unphased. It happened so often at this point he barely noticed he'd been burned most times. Shaking away the pain, Bob took the fresh roast off the grill and finished preparing Miss Sarah's sandwich with a smile. It had been a while since he'd had a customer he didn't recognize come in and made him even happier that she'd heard good things about his little butcher shop. 

He turned holding the plate in one hand and Sarah's ticket in the other, calling her name to come get her food. He smiled out over the room, but his expression quickly faded when she was nowhere to be seen.

Jack leaned over the counter balling up the paper his cheeseburger had been wrapped in and set it on his tray. "Is something the matter Bob?"

Bob shook his head. "Nah, not that I can think off. I betcha she just went off to the restroom."

Jack nodded and finished his drink. John shrugged offering Jack some of his fries. "I dunno Bob, she seemed weird. Like she forgot her name and such. And I'm pretty sure she didn't just 'go to the restroom'. The moment you went to make her food-" he popped a french fry in his mouth mid sentence, "The moment you went to make her food she left."

Jack gave his shorter friend a pat on the back with a dismissive chuckle. "You say that, but you're suspicious of everyone." He made joking puppy dog eyes and clasped his hands getting really close to John's face. "Who hurt you buddy?"

John shoved him away with an annoyed eye roll and groaned, "Oh stop it."

"Ah c'mon John, you can tell us anything! Do you not trust us?" Jack laughed batting his eyes playfully.

"Jack." John replied with a flat chuckle.

"If I ever find the maiden whomst has hurt thine heart, I shall smite her with the fury of a thousand suns! I shall avenge your-"

"Jack!" John repeated sharply as he shoved his taller friend.

Jack laughed and uttered an apology between snorts.

John sighed pushing a straw wrapper around the tray. "I just think its weird. Haven't seen her around before, so I just wanted to point it out. Who orders food and leaves without eating or paying?"

Bob shrugged John's concerns away. "Ah well. Just means I don't gotta make something to eat tonight. She just seemed shy is all. Who knows, maybe she chickened out on account of the noisy settin'." he replied, as he grabbed a takeout box. Setting the sandwich inside, Bob brought it back into the stock room to grab later. The refrigerated space would keep it fresh until it was time to leave.

When Bob returned, John and Jack had a wad of bills sitting on the counter and were counting out coins to tip Bob for their meals. Once they had it all counted out, John handed the crumpled up cash to Bob with a smile. "Thanks for lunch Bob, it was great." 

Bob nodded as a 'no problem' with a smile and watched the two leave. They were laughing at each other as they walked, like good friends would. When they were gone, he took up their tray, which was covered in the duos left over wrappers and empty drink cups, and tossed the contents.

After cleaning the mess and wiping the counter, Bob checked his watch. 1:57. Dang lunch already? Feels like I just got here. Bob headed back over to the register to set up a little sign that said he'd be taking orders again at 2:30. He stepped back into the stock room, sitting at the little table he'd brought in ages ago to rest at during breaks, and opened the little brown bag he'd brought his lunch in. 

Before he could eat however, he caught a glimpse of a red-hooded figure pass the back window. Bob didn't take much mind to it, as a lot of teens were going around scaring little kids in their costumes this time of year, but it was a little odd that someone would be out scaring this early.

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