Chapter 5: Luca Returns

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The next couple of hours were the hardest for Alberto. His whole world was torn apart and the dreaded moment when Luca left this world haunted him over and over like the scary part of a suspenseful movie. All Alberto knew is that he wished Luca would come back and that he was nothing without him.
His eyes were swollen shut from all the crying and the immense pain in his chest from depression intensified every second he was awake. His epilepsy was exacerbated because of the crying and depression which made him feel sick. He was so sleepy but he knew that if he were to fall asleep, his worst fear of reliving that dreaded moment would replay over and over and he wouldn't get any sleep. So he tried his best to stay awake, making his health situation worse.
However, two hours later, he passed out from exhaustion. Thank God he was too tired to remember his dreams.
The next day, he woke up and tried his best to socialize with the rest of the family.
Laurel was busy making breakfast, Barley was helping clean up and Ian was refilling his feed bag for his feeding tube machine like he did daily.
Alberto walked out side onto the front porch and sat on the swing, his feet barely dragging the concrete porch as he swung back and forth. Luca would've loved the swing. Just the feeling of swinging in the air going back and forth was incredibly relaxing and oh how Alberto wished Luca could be here to feel it.
Nothing felt right anymore and Alberto felt so incredibly alone and sad. The intense pain in his chest grew stronger with every second and it was so hard to breathe. But there was nothing that could take it away. The only one who was able to do that was somewhere out there somewhere; probably being devoured by other sea life. The circle of life seemed messed up for Alberto, but it was life.

Alberto remembered yesterday Laurel telling everyone once they made it back home from the hospital that Daniella and Lorenzo made it to their apartment. They told Laurel that they both decided to go forth with plans to release his body to the funeral home and have a funeral asap. Laurel gave them both her condolences to them and they both said thank you between tears. Just the mere fact of knowing their son was no more made them depressed beyond compare.
But they tired to be strong as Luca wouldn't want anyone to be sad over him.
They didn't know that when they would go to the morgue to get Luca the next day that he wouldn't be anywhere to be found.

Later that night Daniella and Lorenzo made final plans for Luca's so-called funeral. And while he lay in the funeral home morgue, something magical happened. His body lay motionless for hours until his eyes began to move.
The next morning, the sun rose and a new day began. Luca gasped for air, his eyes widened as he took a deep breath, noticing he was in a morgue freezer. He freaked out and tried to get out of his steel prison.
It was like someone breathed air into his fragile frame. He felt like he had been sleeping forever. He looked around, his eyes adjusting to the bitter darkness that surrounded him and shivered as the bitter cold temperature that filled the freezer he was in froze his skin and made him numb. He turned his head and saw his reflection somehow in the metal wall and gasped. His eyes were red as cherries and he looked horrendous. Luca freaked out and tried to get the visual out of his head that he just saw. But it was his reality now. He kicked and punched at the door, back and forth in such a manner so fast that he hurt his hands and feet from punching and kicking so hard at the metal walls that encompassed him.
Super speed. Something else new that Luca never had before. What else was he capable of that he never had? Time would tell what else lay in store for Luca.

Luca panted and then suddenly heard someone enter the room. He laid still, listening to the subtle sounds of people walking and talking outside. Suddenly, the door opened to his cell and as soon as he felt the somewhat warm air touching his skin, he shot up and screamed out, scaring the funeral worker half to death. Needless to say, the man needed to change his pants now. The funeral worker fell down and crawled away as fast as he could, scared at the sight he had just witnessed.
No more than 24 hours prior, he had placed Luca's dead corpse into the freezer and now he was standing up in front of him, butt naked and screaming.
After the screaming stopped, Luca panted and looked around, trying to figure out where he was. He was nowhere close to where he used to be back home. He was in a strange room filled with body-sized freezers that had numbers on them. Luca began to panic but wasted no time trying to find a way out of the room he was in. He didn't know how he was going to get out. All he did know was that out there somewhere had to be where home was.

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