Chapter 16: Luca Graduates High School

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The next year came by quickly.

Months passed and soon it was the new year.

Time was flying by incredibly fast and so was the savings jar; filling up more and more as each day went along.

Work was great and school was growing closer and closer to its end.

It was pretty much the only thing that the teens at high school were talking about and to put it quite frankly, it was starting to get on Luca's last nerve.

As much as he was excited about graduating, he was really sick and tired of hearing about it all the time non-stop. It was like rubbing salt into an open wound. It didn't help matters; it only made them worse.

This year, students were graduating near the end of the year, unlike last year when it was around summer time. It was something strange that Luca never quite understood anything about. Why did they have to change the times when students graduated every year? It made no sense, but then again, neither did life sometimes.

Six short months from now, Luca would be graduating and turning 18 as well, which meant he would officially be an adult. That was exciting for Luca because it meant he would be able to do more things that he wasn't able to do before.

Luca was excited to be graduating and as much as he hated to admit it, he hated school because everyone wanted to harass him about being gay and an atheist, but mainly gay though. Like his sexual preference was anyone's concern!

It was a typical Friday and a school day.

Luca was woken up to Alberto telling him to get up and get ready for school. Luca grunted and got up anyway. He grabbed his clothes and took a shower. After he showered, he went back to his and Alberto's room and grabbed his backpack for school and then grabbed a quick bite to eat before Daniela grabbed the keys and drove him to school.

Alberto tagged along to spend time with Luca before he was gone all day.

On the way to school, Alberto and Luca talked a little and Alberto could tell Luca was upset a little about everything but he didn't bring up the situation because he didn't want to make matters worse.

As graduation grew closer and closer, Luca hated school but he knew he had to be strong to make it through each day. It would be okay.

When they got closer toward the school building, Alberto put a hand on Luca's leg and held his hand. He smiled and then said, "Babe, it's gonna be okay, you hear? Every chance you get, text me if you want to and I'll try my best to respond. I'll wait for your reply when you are able to talk. I'll talk with you on your lunch break and we can call and talk if you would like." Luca smiled and he happily nodded at the thought of being able to talk to Alberto during lunchtime.

Soon, they made it to school and both Luca and Alberto got out of the car. Luca grabbed his back pack and then Alberto looked at him in the eyes, holding his face in his hands and said, "You know I love you right? Let this kiss help you make it through the day." Alberto closed his eyes and then gently pressed his lips against Luca's and gave him the sweetest, slowest, most passionate kiss ever.

He pulled back and then gave Luca a hug and then said, "You had better get going now. I don't want you to be late for school." Luca nodded and then gave Alberto one last kiss and hug before running off towards the school doors and into the high school building. Alberto smiled and then got back into the car. Daniela dropped Alberto off at home and then headed to work herself.

Meanwhile, inside the high school building before heading to his first class, Luca couldn't stop thinking about Alberto. The whole not going to school together thing was bothering him, but this was life. He would always be a year older than Alberto and that meant he would progress in life further ahead than Alberto would before himself. This was saddening at times but he had to make the best of it.

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