Chapter 28: Justice UnSearved

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Linda put a box of whatever information she had in her car. She walked back to her door and grabbed her coat and locked the door. Linda climbed in her car and started it up. The wind was chilly and she cracked up the heat. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Caren in the rearview mirror.

Before she could do anything Caren had a rope around her neck and began to choke her. "What do you think you're doing Linda?" Caren said coily.

Linda gasped for air clawing at the rope trying to pull it away from Caren. She brought her elbow back and nailed Caren in the face. Caren fell back and grabbed her nose as it gushed blood. "Fuck Linda." Caren grumbled as Linda climbed out of her car gasping for air.

Caren threw open the back door and tackled Linda onto the pavement. She wrapped the rope back around her neck and continued to choke her. "Listen Linda, I didn't want to have to kill you in case I needed a lawyer. But if you're gonna get involved then I'll be sure to attend your funeral."

She pulled back hard enough on the rope and crushed Linda's windpipe killing her instantly. Gretchen came over and the two wiped down her car, and left her there.

Gretchen was sure Caren had to be done killing by now, she knew herself that Scarlett wasn't any harm. Aubrey wasn't one to fuck with it. Tori was her only other friend left. She missed Asha, she had always been her best friend, she just couldn't keep her nose out of it.

"How about dinner?" Gretchen suggested to Caren who nodded.

"Oh I'd love too!"


Aubrey opened the door to Scarlett and Tori who were 3 hours late. "Where the hell were you two?" Aubrey asked stepping aside letting the two in.

"She killed Linda, right outside our houses. We were too scared to leave for a bit until they left somewhere. We called the cops and handled that after." Scarlett explained, and Aubrey sighed rubbing her temples.

"We grabbed the box out of her car though of all the information she collected." Tori said holding up a box. She set it down on Aubrey's kitchen counter then grabbed a cookie out of the jar on the counter.

"Are you really eating right now? We are the only 3 left!" Aubrey said, and Tori sighed.

"Well there's a good chance that I'm next based on Linda's predictions. So I'ma eat some cookies." Tori said and shrugged.

Aubrey pulled stuff out of the box and looked at it. It appeared that Linda had figured out Caren's plan and kill list. It all started with Owen, a simple but easy kill that none of them would miss.

Then Penny, a revenge kill and thoroughly planned. Courtney was next and she wasn't planned, but she got in the way. Then Lori wasn't exactly planned but she fell right into her lap. She couldn't resist the urge to end her.

Victoria wasn't planned either, instead she was hoping to get Victoria on her side. After all they were close friends. However, Victoria didn't take her side and gave her life. Stacey continued to get in Caren's way since she killed Penny, so her time had come.

Then there was Asha. She wasn't even on the list, she was only killed because she wouldn't stay out of the way. "Why wouldn't she listen to me?" Aubrey said putting her head in her hands.

Scarlett put a comforting hand on her back, "it'll be okay, we'll take these bitches out." Scarlett said.

"Yeah I was thinking we just beat the shit out of her with War And Peace." Aubrey said, and the three of them shared a laugh.

"That book is big and heavy enough to definitely get a point across." Scarlett said, and Tori chuckled.

"We should be so lucky, I mean Caren got a black eye and I'm fairly certain Asha did that. Gretchen was limping too." Tori said, and Aubrey sighed.

"My little feisty fireball. I miss that dumbass." Aubrey said, and grabbed her coat. "Fuck it, this ends now! We'll just go catch her off guard. She can't take all 3 of us, and Gretchen won't get involved cause she's two-faced." Aubrey said, and the two agreed, they had nothing else they could do.

It was time to end Caren's reign off terror.

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