Chapter 21: Time To Investigate

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Courtney met with Asha at a coffee shop. She was upset for obvious reasons and she was gripping her cup of coffee so tight Asha was worried it would burst. "What's wrong Courtney?"

"I think Caren killed Penny and Owen and Gretchen is covering for her. I think you should investigate and bring it to the FBIs level before she kills another one of us." Courtney said and Asha sighed.

"I'll try my best Courtney it's really hard to get these cases accepted by the FBI when there isn't a lot of evidence." Asha explained and Courtney sighed.

"I know it is, but there's no evidence because there's a dirty cop hiding it all." Courtney said a bit loud and slammed her cup on the table. A few people in the shop stared at her and Asha fscepalmed.

"Not so loud idiot. Alright you got to calm down, I will do what I can. I do know Penny's face was fried off before she was put in the lake, and Owen was suffocated. This means the killer is moving the body and just dumping them in the lake." Asha said quitely leaning closer to Courtney.

"Do you think it could have been a deep fryer?" Courtney asked suspiciously.

"It's possible why?" Asha asked and Courtney sighed.

"Because Stacey told me that Penny had messaged her saying Caren made chicken tenders and french frys. You need a deep fryer for those unless she used an oven, but Carens very particular about her food." Courtney explained and Asha nodded slowly.

"Did Penny text Stacey anything else?" She asked and Courtney nodded.

"She texted her at 2pm that she was on her way home, but that's it. She never made it home." Courtney said and Asha gasped.

"Oh my God are you serious? 2pm?" Asha asked clearly distressed.

"Yes, why?" Courtney asked now getting more anxious based on Ashas reaction.

"Penny's autopsy says she died between 12pm-1pm. There's no way she could have texted Stacey, she was already dead!" Asha said very worried.

"I'm telling you that you need to get more involved and investigate this." Courtney said and Asha nodded.

"I'm going to get a hold of Stacey and get those text messages. I'm going to see if Caren has a deep fryer or if she sold one anywhere recently. Go home for now and try and relax, text me if you need help or anything happens." Asha said and Courtney nodded.

The two split ways and went home but someone else had been watching and listening. Gretchen had been sitting a few tables away from them and heard everything. She headed home and found Caren plotting her next murder.

"Caren we got to take out Courtney, she knows it's us! She's telling Asha, if we take out Courtney, Aubrey will become worried and won't let Asha get involved. She needs to go." Gretchen said and Caren chuckled.

"I know she does, I was plotting her murder actually. We can go visit her tomorrow, Victoria will be gone at a fashion event in New York City tomorrow, she won't be back till overmorrow." Caren said and Gretchen nodded.

"Ok good, this should work out just fine then." Gretchen said then began to help Caren lkot their next kill.


"Aubrey I have to investigate this! This information proves that Penny never made it out of Carens house!" Asha said arguing with Aubrey who wanted her to not get involved.

"Asha if you get involved they could kill you next! Why would you want to die over Owen and Penny of all people?" Aubrey challenged her trying to make her feel stupid.

"Because I work for the FBI! I can't just hide this information!" Asha said and Aubrey sighed.

"Fine but if someone else dies or there's an attempt on your life, you have to stay from it." Aubrey said trying to compromise.

"Fine." Asha agreed half-heartedly.

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