Chapter 24: The Lion Has Been Slayed

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Scarlett knocked on Aubrey and Asha's door and was met with Asha. "What are you doing here?" 

"I came to see Aubrey. Can I talk to her, please?" Scarlett said, and Asha rolled her eyes. 

"I guess, not sure she's in the mood though," Asha said, then led Scarlett into the kitchen where Aubrey was sipping coffee.

"Hey Aubrey, I need your help. I can't find Lori and she's not in jail and never was. Please help me find her?" Scarlett said, and Aubrey sighed.

"I guess I can help, hey have you heard from Victoria? I thought she got home last night." Aubrey said, and Scarletts mouth dropped open.

"You haven't heard?!" She asked, and Aubrey shrugged.

"Heard what?" She asked, and Scarlett sighed.

"She was murdered when she got home last night, appears to have barely made it in the door." Scarlett said, and Aubrey chuckled.

"I mean if anyone should've died, it was definitely Victoria, is it really a bad thing she's gone?" Aubrey said, and Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna pretend like you didn't say that, and how about we go look for Lori?" Scarlett said, and Aubrey nodded.

"Fine, we will go ask the aliens for help come on." Aubrey said then got up and headed out the door with Scarlett following.


Aubrey and Scarlett head through the forest behind Aubrey's house. Aubrey leads Scarlett to the aliens space ship, and they head up the ramp entering the door of the ship.

"Hey Aubrey, and Scarlett." Ox said with a smile.

"Hey I was wondering if you could help us locate her girlfriend." Aubrey said pointing at Scarlett.

"Yeah of course anything for you." He said, and pulled up one of his special computers. "What's her name?"

"Lori Leo." Scarlett said, and Ox scoffed.

"Ew a Leo? Why?" He asked as he typed in the name.

"She's cute, kinda dumb and thinks the world revolves around her, but she's cute." Scarlett said biting her lip.

"Fair enough, I found her location, or the nearest I could get to her location. Lets go." Ox said then got up and headed out of the ship. He hit a button a handheld device he had and a mini ship popped up. "Hop in!"

The three of them got in and Ox flew the ship to the other end of the forest. It felt like they flew around for hours before they spotted something. "What's that down there." Aubrey said pointing to something brown and furry.

"Looks like a dead animal." Ox said glancing down, and Aubrey thought for a moment.

"Fly down to it anyways, I have a hunch." Aubrey said, and Ox nodded and landed about ten feet away from the brown furry thing.

The three got out of the shop and approached it and Ox chuckled, "see told you it's a dead lion."

Scarlett immediately started sobbing and Aubrey carefully rolled over the lion. She unzipped what was actually a costume and there was Lori. "Yeah it's not an actual lion." She said looking at the two of them.

"Oooh I get it now, Leo's are lions! That makes so much sense." Ox said, and Aubrey chuckled quietly to herself.

"It's not funny!" Scarlett shouted through sobs.

"Sorry Scarlett, I'll call Asha and get a team over here. You should probably leave Ox." Aubrey said pulling out her phone. Ox left and Aubrey called Asha.

It was probably thirty minutes later when Asha showed up with a team of FBI forensics. Gretchen also showed up a few minutes after that and marched up to Aubrey.

"Why didn't you call me? This isn't an FBI case!" She yelled at Aubrey who shrugged.

"Because Asha is for one my wife. Two I don't know which one in my phone, is your number." Aubrey said, and Gretchen looked confused.

"I'm not saved?" Gretchen asked, and Aubrey chuckled.

"Not in a million years would I save your number." Aubrey said, and Gretchen rolled her eyes.

"Still doesn't change the fact the FBI shouldn't even be here." Gretchen said and Asha walked up with a giant smile on her face.

"Well actually..." Aubrey started but Asha finished her sentence.

"It's being escalated to an FBI case, you'll need to provide any information you have over to us." Asha said, and she could immediately see the look of panick on Gretchen's face. However, that look wasn't just on her face, but on Aubrey's too.

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