Prologue: Isn't this supposed to be a book club?

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"I don't understand why you guys are always so mean to me!" Caren began crying because no one would listen to her about her sappy romance novel, The Notebook.

"It's okay; sweetie, ignore them," Gretchen said, comforting her girlfriend. She then whispers to Aubrey, "she's such a baby annoying as fuck."

"I don't do two-faced energy," Aubrey mutters and rolls her eyes.

"Cause you're a weird ass alien," Victoria shouts, probably so the entire neighborhood could hear them.

"Why are you so goddamn loud?" Victoria's girlfriend Courtney says with an annoyed look.

"Damn right, Vicky," Aubrey responds with a smirk.

"ITS VIC-TOR-I-A, fuck I hate all of you, but mostly you, Owen; you're fake, and I'll be loud if I want to!" Victoria shouted even louder.

"What did I do?" Owen said, feeling like a small child being scolded.

"Existed, duh," Courtney replied, backing up her girl.

"That's not very nice...." Owen responded quietly, looking down.

"I think you joined the wrong book club; for nice, go join the fraudster club," Scarlett said while checking out Lori's ass.

"My eyes are up here." Lori glared at Scarlett and pointed to her eyes, to which Scarlett just giggled.

"Can we get back on topic? I'm so tired of your guy's shit!" Asha looks at Aubrey for backup.

Aubrey, however, continues reading her book beyond area 51 by mack Maloney and does not help.

"Uh, Aubrey, could you help?" Asha asks with a half smile.

Aubrey, who doesn't look up, responds in an annoyed tone, "no."

"So what book are you reading, Aubrey?" Lori asks with a smile and smacks Scarlett's hand away from her ass.

"Something that is too much for your level of intelligence to understand," Aubrey says, annoyed still.

"Aubrey's the queen; she doesn't give a fuck like me," Linda says, smiling with a proud tone.

"Never compare us again; we are on completely different spectrums of the universe," Aubrey says as she debates throwing her book at the next person who speaks.

The group stares at each other, not sure what to say. That is until, of course, the idiot had to say something.

"So I brought the book IT by Stephan king!" Owen said excitedly, trying to include himself once again.

"Can you die, please? That book is not even good." Caren replies, "seriously; I'm going to tweet Stephan King right now and tell him he's trash."

"You're trash, Caren," Victoria says, laughing hysterically.

"Can all of you die? I'm trying to read!" Aubrey shouts in a pissed tone.

"I uh brought snacks," Tori holds up a cookie jar.

"Tori, you are the best!" Linda pecks her cheek.

"Uh, gross, no PDA." Stacy pipes up.

"Where did you even come from? Also, Scarlett's been mauling Lori's ass since we've been here!" Linda responds.

"Have not!" Scarlett retorts, letting go of Lori's ass.

"I've been here the whole time, listening to you idiots whine." Stacy glares, and Penny tugs her sleeve.

"This book you're making me read is scaring me!" Penny holds up The Exorcist.

"Stop being a baby, Penny, or I'll make you go hang out with Caren," Stacy responds with an eye roll.

Aubrey has had enough; she throws her book and hits Stacy in the head. "Fuck all of you. I'm out of here, meeting dismissed. "Aubrey leaves, slamming the door, and the rest of the group heads home for the night. 

Co-written by Kyla Marie Winchester - @Wendy2594

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