Chapter 7: The Pussy and Narc Start A Business

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Courtney and Penny sat down the next day at Penny's dining room table after Courtney sobered up. "So, what's the business idea?" Penny asked. 

"I want to start a business for stuff people really want, but nobody listens to them about!" Courtney suggested. 

"That's a good idea, but we should get a few basic ideas first; let's ask Aubrey. She is the most creative and inventive." Penny suggested, and Courtney nodded. 

"Yeah, that is true, fucking Aquarius." The two hopped in Penny's car and drove out of the gated community. While all of them lived there, Aubrey was the only one who didn't. Aubrey lived down the street in a fancy mansion she bought. She didn't like people, but she also loved those who understood her. 

They arrived and knocked on the door. Aubrey opened it and glared, "what do you two want? I don't have time to deal with pussies and narcs." She glared at them. 

"We just want you to give us some creative ideas for our business, we want to create and market products that people really want, but companies refuse to make," Penny explained, and Aubrey nodded. 

"Well, alright, fine. Only because you drove all the way over here to appreciate my gifts." Aubrey let them in, and they sat down in her lounge area. 

"So, what are your ideas?" Courtney asked and pulled out a notepad. 

"First off, we need tampons with tassels. Women need to stop having to deep sea fish for their strings." Aubrey suggested. 

"That's genius as fuck, though," Courtney said and wrote it down. 

"Obviously, I came up with it. Now next, we need to create cute clothes for bigger dogs. I always see them for little dogs but never for like extra large dogs." Aubrey explained, and the other two nodded. 

"That's good; let's start with three; for now, give us one more," Penny said, and Aubrey thought about it. 

"Glow in the dark ink for books, but it has to be able to last forever. Some of us like reading at night, and glow-in-the-dark ink doesn't last forever; we need a kind that does!" Aubrey said, and the two smiled in agreement. 

"This is perfect!" Courtney said excitedly, "we will get started and keep you updated." 

"Great, now get out of my house," Aubrey said, the sarcasm thick in her tone. 

"Let us know if you have any other ideas!" Penny said, and the two left and went back to her house. 

"Ok, so we need product names!" Courtney said, and Penny looked at the list. 

"What about 'The Perfect Fito.' for the dog stuff? You know cause fido is a common name for dogs? A cool play on words!" Penny suggested. 

"Sounds dumb; it's perfect!" Courtney laughed hysterically. 

"Ok, for the book ink, how about 'Reader's Dreamy Night Ink.'" Penny said with a chuckle herself. 

"Also dumb as fuck, so yeah, perfect. Alright, last one." Courtney said and leaned forward in anticipation for the next dumb name Penny would suggest. 

"Well, 'Woman In Total Control Of Herself' would be good. Mainly because women would be taking back control over their periods from idiots who don't care about their comfort, just profiting off the fact they can reproduce." Penny suggested. 

"That's not even dumb. That's just a very broad statement, and it will be monumental. Women supporting women, women taking control back cause men are pieces of shit. It's perfect!" Courtney said with a smile. 

Courtney began drawing product designs and business logos and designs. Penny began building a website and started marketing on social media. Their business was off to a great start. 


It was a few days later, and Penny was at work petitioning to sell her products in the store. She then heard the annoying screaming on the sales floor from none other than Caren. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling in annoyance, and muttered to herself.

"Mother fucking Cancer's..." 

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