Chapter 11 **A Very New Development!**

Start from the beginning

It was quite obvious too, as I bet the maids and guards could see it.

What I wanted to do for him, was to make one of his mischievous thoughts come real, to give him some happiness.

After 'pretending' for two days and only staying out of sight because of who I was beforehand, as the Crowned Prince's maid, I sort of got tired of it all...

It wasn't like I wasn't having fun, it was more like I still felt trapped and not going anywhere to where I wanted to be.

I needed to come up with a plan to get into trouble, as it didn't seem to work with the second Prince at all!

I was obnoxious and arrogant, loud and cheeky...

I was...Myself...

What I could do though, was make something come true!

Knowing that the Prince held a certain knowledge that Lady Venus was not a good person, he and I started to come up with a 'plan' to get back at her.

Of course, I knew the Prince was only pretending, but I wasn't!

This would surely make me end up back into that cell!

I was looking forward to it!


On the other hand, the Crowned Prince frowned and yelled at his subordinate to disappear.

Having Oliver suddenly missing the next day, the Crowned Prince had been furious since!

There was only one person that he couldn't seem to keep by his side! One person that kept slipping through his hands!

Finding out that his Consort, otherwise known as the maid, named 'Madeline', had been transferred to his brother's quarters, the Crowned Prince didn't know what to do.

He would be able to claim her back without any trouble, but...

Putting a hand through his hair, making him look disheveled and even more handsome to a certain someone, he sat down in a huff and held the arms of the chair tightly to his anger.

He needed to get to work and focus! But not only was his Princess Consort not here, right beside him, she was stubbornly laughing with his brother instead!

Before, when she had been presumed as died, he had been a bit like this as well.

He would snap easily and was unable to focus well!

But this time was different as she was right here, she was within the palace still and he knew that...The problem was, it seemed like being around him was the last thing that she wanted!

How could he not be angry!?

She was his wife!

They had not even been able to consummate the marriage yet!

...If there were any females on this planet, the one that had made him feel less of a man...Was her!

So many times, he already wanted to bed her, sleep next to her and have a normal spouse relationship!

He had taken his time, wanted her to feel treasured and accepted that she was such a troublemaker but...

It was starting to get ridiculous!

How come she rarely laughed like that by his side?

How come she looks happier there then here!?

The Crowned Prince was at a loss on what to do!

He wanted to be the one to make her smile and laugh, he wanted her to be happy here!

It wasn't fair!

Having read the most recent report from the person who was following Oliver, Jorne had mixed feelings.

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